Poor Visio Performance over Citrix connection


Jo Winchester

We have an issue that Visio screen redraw rates are very poor when used over
citrix on Winterms (NCD & Wyse).
Are there any system tweaks that we can apply to speed up the redraw rates?
We are not experiencing these issues when connecting from a standard desktop.
Visio 2002 sp-2 - delivered as part of the desktop
Windows 2000 servers hosting citrix desktop
Metaframe XP FR2

Al Edlund

Citrix performance as viewed by the end user has four primary culprits
a.) amount of memory allocated to the user (visio needs a lot on the
b.) processor speed (both server and client, since redraw rates apply)
c.) network latency (since heavy graphics are involved a WAN connection is a
d.) Link speed (this is different from latency)

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