szag via said:
Good for have a *great* attitude towards learning!! When I said
you will not like the answer, in effect I said this was because I was about
to come down hard on the use of popup forms.....
Is there still away to
eliminate this without using the "pop-up" feature? The end users like this
"non-Access" feel.
Yes, actually, the popup setting does not much change how the form looks.
I would suggest you set the broader to sizable;. And WHILE viewing the form,
size the form EXACTLY the way you want. You then hit ctrl-s to save the
form. now, flip back into design mode..and set the border style to thin
(and, of course save again). This way, your form will be sized exactly the
way you want, but users will not be able to change the form size. Remember,
don't forget to set the forms auto-center = yes, and you MUST set the forms
auto resize property = no (if you don't do will drive to a room
with padded walls).
So, border = sizable form the way you want in view mode flip into design mode..and change style to thin....
You will thus have forms set EXACTLY the way YOU the designer wants them to
As for controlling the menus...and hiding the rest of ms-access....I cut and
past my "standard" response as follows:
You most certainly can, and should hide all of the ms-access interface. The
options to complete hide and keep people out of the ms-access interface can
easily be done using the tools->start-up options. Using those options allows
you to complete hide the ms-access interface (tool bars, database window
etc). Also, using these options means you
do not have to bother setting up security.
Try downloading and running the 3rd example at my following web site that
shows a hidden ms-access interface, and NO CODE is required to do
this....but just some settings in the start-up.
Check out:
After you try the application, you can exit, and then re-load the
application, but hold down the shift key to by-pass the start-up options. If
want, you can even disable the shift key by pass. I have a sample mdb file
that will let you "set" the shift key bypass on any application you want.
You can get this at: