Pop-up or Drop-down list of data items



I'm new here (been on the Excel and Access lists for a while, though), so I don't know what's been covered. I don't know what term(s) to use to look this up in the archives, either; if it's been covered there, please just direct me as to which search phrase(s) to use

I have a need for the following: Throughout a large document, there will be occasional phrases which will produce a list of 4-5 items when clicked on. The user needs to be able to do the following (through Word; the user does not know any VBA)

1. Add a lis
2. Edit a lis
3. Retrieve the lis
4. Print the list only if wanted (i.e., not included with the hard copy of the document itself

This sounds similar to "comments" in Excel, I suppose, but the "comments" in Word are very different. Creating a custom toolbar to appear when the document opens would be fine; I just don't know enough about how VBA works with Word to be able to get started. Whether this entails a toolbar with a dropdown list (which changes according to which term in the document is selected), or if it just "pops us" from the selected portion itself, I need help


Tom Ewald

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?dGV3YWxk?=,

I'm not quite sure what it is you want. I follow everything you say, but I'm
having trouble grasping what you mean with the first sentence of your
description. How are these phrases being recognized? How does the user know to
click on them? That kind of question.

Also, which version of Word are we dealing with?

FWIW, the general impression I get when I read this is "Smart Tags might work".
I have a need for the following: Throughout a large document, there will be
occasional phrases which will produce a list of 4-5 items when clicked on. The
user needs to be able to do the following (through Word; the user does not know
any VBA):
1. Add a list
2. Edit a list
3. Retrieve the list
4. Print the list only if wanted (i.e., not included with the hard copy of the document itself)

This sounds similar to "comments" in Excel, I suppose, but the "comments" in
Word are very different. Creating a custom toolbar to appear when the document
opens would be fine; I just don't know enough about how VBA works with Word to
be able to get started. Whether this entails a toolbar with a dropdown list
(which changes according to which term in the document is selected), or if it
just "pops us" from the selected portion itself, I need help.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)

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