Pop up Warnings


John Sinclair

I frequently work with log charts and am constantly bombarded with the following pop-up warning "Warning -- zero or negative numbers can not be plotted on log charts correctly ...." Everytime this annoying pop up comes up you have to click OK to continue -- an incredible distraction and waste of time when it approaches 100+ times a day. This is driving me crazy but I can not find a switch to turn this off. Any suggestions

Earl Kiosterud


Check your chart data for zero or negative values. On a log scale, that
sends a point past all known galaxies (and doesn't stop there).

Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

John Sinclair said:
I frequently work with log charts and am constantly bombarded with the
following pop-up warning "Warning -- zero or negative numbers can not be
plotted on log charts correctly ...." Everytime this annoying pop up comes
up you have to click OK to continue -- an incredible distraction and waste
of time when it approaches 100+ times a day. This is driving me crazy but I
can not find a switch to turn this off. Any suggestions?

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