Pop Up Warnings


John Sinclair

Is there a way to turn-off a pop-up warning? I have been experiencing continued bombardment of warnings of zero or negative values while working with log charts. I am well aware of this warning and do not need to be continously reminded about it. The large, imported data sets I work with prevent me from cleaning up the data to prevent the warning. Plotting of the data is NOT the problem, the pop-up warning IS the problem. This pop-up is driving me crazy because you must hit OK each time it launches in order to continue. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Wyoming John

Tushar Mehta

See the responses to the same question from 4 days ago. Also search
google.com's archive of the XL NGs for more on the topic.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Is there a way to turn-off a pop-up warning? I have been experiencing continued bombardment of warnings of zero or negative values while working with log charts. I am well aware of this warning and do not need to be continously reminded about it. The large, imported data sets I work with prevent me from cleaning up the data to prevent the warning. Plotting of the data is NOT the problem, the pop-up
warning IS the problem. This pop-up is driving me crazy because you must hit OK each time it launches in order to continue. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Wyoming John

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