POP3 Timed Out in OutlookXP


Matus Grinvalsky

We are having this problem with Outlook 2002 connecting on
our mail server (Kerio Mail Server). Error message below:

Task 'm.grinvalsky' reported error (0x8004210A) :
'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the
receiving (POP)server. If you continue to receive this
message, contact your server administrator or Internet
service provider (ISP).'

This only happens on Outlook 2002, if I use Outlook
express and other MUA, no problem. I have already patched
the Outlook 2002 from available patches from Microsoft.
Sometimes Outlook works then later it will give
me the above message, I have been searching the internet
for solutions and cannot find any.

Thanks for any hints

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Where is the mail server located? Is it on the same machine as Outlook, or
on a fast network? If so, this is a known problem in a Windows component
that Outlook uses, and we're currently working on a workaround in Outlook.
I don't know when/if that will become available. If it doesn't sound like
your setup meets this criterion, could you turn on diagnostic logging (see
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q300479) and post
the OPMLog.log file after one of the timeouts?

Matus Grinvalsky

The hanging Outlook and mail server are on same machine,
there seems to be no problem while downloading from POP3
server on this machine from other computers. We are small
group of 3 PCs, but we are planing to upgrade to 4 PCs and
our free mail server is not capable (for free) of serving
more then 3 users, so we are testing the other products.

With our current POP3/SMTP (602 Mail Server) server, there
is no such problem, even if the server and outlook reside
on the same computer.

Thanks for your info. Even to know that there is no
solution helps me a lot.

BTW: There is Office 2003 Beta out now. Is this problem
selved there?

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Yes, having finally identified the problem, we've managed to work around it
in Outlook 2003.

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