Populate a field with text from variuos text boxes



IP2007, Browser form

How can a populate a field (text or rich text...) with text values entered
into various text fields?

Basically that field will act as a History keeper so all the values entered
in those text boxes.


Grade1 text box:

"User A" enter text into Grade1 text box, than "User B" opens the same
form. The text entered by "User A" should go to "History" box prior to "User
B" enters his/her text in Grade 1 text box


Swathi (GGK Tech)

Add a rule to the form. To do that follow the below steps.
1.Go to tools -> form options.
2.Click on open and save -> Rules.
3.Click Add. Set the condition as Grade1 is not blank.
4.Click Add action.
5.Set the History field as concat(grade1, “;â€, historyfield)
6.Add another action to set grade field to empty.

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