Drowning in VB code
I am sure this question had to have come up before but have found only
partial solutions.
Using a table of client information (LastName, FirstName, ClientNo, DOB.
Etc.), I would like to let a user view a record in the same form used for
entering their search. They may wish to search by only one of the field (DOB
or ClientNo) or alternately a combination of two or more fields (LastName,
FirstName). In other words, by entering some information on the form, the
rest of the data is populated. I would assume where two or more records
match, a filtered list of records would be produced. Because of the number
of records, combo boxes would be almost useless.
I was able to retrieve a one record based on a ClientID but for both
simplicity and elegance, it would be nice to have one button search to search
for data in all fields while ignoring blank ones. Although query by form
works, users will have both limited skills and access
Any and all help would be very greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I am sure this question had to have come up before but have found only
partial solutions.
Using a table of client information (LastName, FirstName, ClientNo, DOB.
Etc.), I would like to let a user view a record in the same form used for
entering their search. They may wish to search by only one of the field (DOB
or ClientNo) or alternately a combination of two or more fields (LastName,
FirstName). In other words, by entering some information on the form, the
rest of the data is populated. I would assume where two or more records
match, a filtered list of records would be produced. Because of the number
of records, combo boxes would be almost useless.
I was able to retrieve a one record based on a ClientID but for both
simplicity and elegance, it would be nice to have one button search to search
for data in all fields while ignoring blank ones. Although query by form
works, users will have both limited skills and access
Any and all help would be very greatly appreciated.
Thank you