Populate, Depending on Criteria



I have got golf scoring spreadsheet. (gross, net and stableford)

I've got it nicely sorted out for overall scoring, but now want to have 4
seperate result tables, depending on what grade the player is in - so
therefore, i want the spreadsheet to automaticaaly enter all the grade 1's in
the grade 1 result table, all the grade 2's in the grade 2 result table and
so on!

it would be nice to do this without having to do it manually, and without
any gaps between the players. (i.e. which i could probably do by doing a
simpe "if" formula.

it seems to me that the answer will be in some sort of loop that i see you
clever people writing about, but that I'm not clever enough to get my head

Any help greatly appreciated, thank you!

let me know if i need to explain it a little more clearly!


Otto Moehrbach

What is the layout of your file? By this I mean where is the golf
scoring data within your file and where do you want these individual tables
placed? In separate sheets perhaps? If you wish, send me your file or an
example of your file. Include information regarding what goes where. I'll
work up something for you. My email address is (e-mail address removed).
Remove the "nop" from this address. HTH Otto

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