Populate one combo box based upon value of another



When I open my form, I get the following "Enter Parameter Value"
box....[form]![PhoneDirectory]![cboDirectory], and if I enter 1 in the box,
then cboDeptName is populated with the correct values (when the DirectoryID
of cboDirectory = 1), otherwise, cboDeptName is "empty".

The Control Source for cboDeptName is DeptName
The Row Source for cboDeptName Row Source is as follows:

SELECT [zDepartments Query].DeptID, [zDepartments Query].DeptName,
[zDepartments Query].DirectoryID, [zDepartments Query].Directory
FROM [zDepartments Query]
WHERE ((([zDepartments

Since I don't know why this is not working, I'm not sure what other
information you may need to help me.

Can someone give me a hint as to what's wrong here?


Rick Brandt

bw said:
When I open my form, I get the following "Enter Parameter Value"
box....[form]![PhoneDirectory]![cboDirectory [snip]

That should be...


(note the "s" on forms)


Well, that helped. At least I can see the values when the DirectoryID of
cboDirectory = 1. But for any other value, cboDeptName is "empty".

Another hint please?

Rick Brandt said:
bw said:
When I open my form, I get the following "Enter Parameter Value"
box....[form]![PhoneDirectory]![cboDirectory [snip]

That should be...


(note the "s" on forms)


I believe what I had to do on a similar situation was to perform a
requery on the combobox when the id that it was dependent on changed
(if dropdown) or after update for other type.

The alternative was to do a requery on the combo box whenever the
combobox got focus (and a refresh would probably not hurt either).

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