Populate userform from task fields




I am trying to populate a few textboxes on a userform from text fields
within a task and cannot get the data to show up.

I want to click on a task, run the macro making the userform pop up. The
fields that have already been completed will automatically populate. From
this information the macro will create subtasks combining all information.


Jack Dahlgren

I assume you have a userform already...
With a text box - for example tBox1, tBox2 or whatever you want to call them.
On the userform intialization you can put code which does things like:

tBox1.text = activeselection.tasks(1).start
tBox2.value = activeselection.tasks(1).finish

The important thing is that you have a task selected, then simply set the
value of the textbox to whatever task property you want.

-Jack Dahlgren

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