populating a dropdown based on Client id selected



Below is the code that I have tied to the after update event of Client id. I
only want to see the pickupyd and delivyd for the given Clientid for the drop
down list of the form. For some reason the pickupyd field is a number field
NOT text and my drop down is not displaying correctly- getting 1 2 3
instead of the actual pickupyd(number) ex. 889 or 7348. Not sure why- is it
something to do with the syntax below????? No idea.

Private Sub cboClientId_AfterUpdate()
Dim lSql As String
Dim mSql As String

'This function sets the RowSource of ClientId, based on the value selected
in ClientId
lSql = "SELECT Distinct Pickupyd,Clientid " & "FROM tbltanksrate " & "WHERE
ClientId = """ & Me.cboClientId & """ " & "ORDER BY Pickupyd"
Me.cboPickupYd.RowSource = lSql

mSql = "SELECT Distinct Delivyd,Clientid " & "FROM tbltanksrate " & "WHERE
ClientId = """ & Me.cboClientId & """ " & "ORDER BY Delivyd"
Me.cboDelivYd.RowSource = mSql

End Sub


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