Populating a form and subforms


Pete Rock

I have 3 unbound combo boxes that are cascading boxes
I have the boxes on the form looking to 1 table
Cascading works fine-where it only lets me choose the data that matches the
previously chosen combo box.
Problem is when I tab out of the last combo box, its not populating
correctly the chosen information
How do I get it to populate the fields below and the subforms i created with
the 3 combo boxes I chose.

Do the combo boxes have to be in the header section?
I don't want them to be if they don't have to

Also, when I open my form, it automatically displays the 1st record and
populates all the fields on the form with data.
,How do I get the form to be blank until I choose the 3 fields I want to
display and then it can populate the rest of the fields on the form and



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