Populating a list



I need to be able to populate a list using choices from another list for a
science kit database I have.

I have one form called "Activities" with a subform call Kit Parts. I choose
from a list of Activities, and then populate the subform with all the Kit
Parts needed to perform that Activity. I have many Activities and their
corresponding Kit Parts housed in a Kit Detail Table. This all works just

Now what I need, is to be able to create a form and a corresponding report
where I can choose and add several different Activities into a subform that
together make a Kit. The form and its corresponding report will show a
comprehensive list of all the Kit Parts needed for all those Activities that
make up the Kit.

I know how to make a form where you choose from a list the Activity and it
shows the Kit Parts needed for that one Activity. But, I don't seem to be
able to take this to the "3D level" so to speak, where I choose MULTIPLE
Activities and the form (and eventually a report) will automatically show ALL
the Kit Parts needed for those chosen Activities.

Can anyone help me think through this barrier?

Thanks for your help!



Hi Kass,

look here for ideas on other things you can do with your form:




for choosing multiple activities, consider using a
multi-select listbox , then you can loop thru the listbox
selected items and construct a WHERE clause for an SQL
statement that you can write to show all kit parts

here is some code for constructing a the WHERE clause from a
multi-select listbox for an SQL statement

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim mWhere As String

mWhere = ""
For Each varItem In me.listbox_controlname.ItemsSelected
'delete the line that doesn't apply
'for text
mWhere = mWhere & "'" _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & "', "
'for numbers
mWhere = mWhere _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & ", "
Next varItem

if len(mWhere ) > 0 then
mWhere = "[Field_Name] IN (" & mWhere

'remove comma from the end and add a parenthesis
mWhere = left(mWhere ,len(mWhere )-2)) & ")"

end if

'then, if you have other criteria, you can put code here


you can use the same code to construct a string to use for
the WHERE parameter of an OpenReport action

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com




Thanks for your quick responce. I want to look at the other form
suggestions you listed at the top of the page, but I couldn't get the links
to work. There was an error message indicating that server 119 is no longer
available or something like that. Can you advise...perhaps I am just not
accessing this correctly.

I think your multi-select list box may be what I'm looking for, however I'm
going to have to do some studying. I'm not well versed in SQL. I may have
to work on this and get back to you. In the mean time, if you know how I can
get to the info you sent, I'm very interested in learning all I can. I
really want this project to work for the people I'm building this database
for... it will save them an enormous amount of time and redundancy if I can
just figure this out!

I need a bigger brain! :)

Thanks for your help!


strive4peace" <"strive4peace2006 at yaho said:
Hi Kass,

look here for ideas on other things you can do with your form:




for choosing multiple activities, consider using a
multi-select listbox , then you can loop thru the listbox
selected items and construct a WHERE clause for an SQL
statement that you can write to show all kit parts

here is some code for constructing a the WHERE clause from a
multi-select listbox for an SQL statement

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim mWhere As String

mWhere = ""
For Each varItem In me.listbox_controlname.ItemsSelected
'delete the line that doesn't apply
'for text
mWhere = mWhere & "'" _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & "', "
'for numbers
mWhere = mWhere _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & ", "
Next varItem

if len(mWhere ) > 0 then
mWhere = "[Field_Name] IN (" & mWhere

'remove comma from the end and add a parenthesis
mWhere = left(mWhere ,len(mWhere )-2)) & ")"

end if

'then, if you have other criteria, you can put code here


you can use the same code to construct a string to use for
the WHERE parameter of an OpenReport action

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com

I need to be able to populate a list using choices from another list for a
science kit database I have.

I have one form called "Activities" with a subform call Kit Parts. I choose
from a list of Activities, and then populate the subform with all the Kit
Parts needed to perform that Activity. I have many Activities and their
corresponding Kit Parts housed in a Kit Detail Table. This all works just

Now what I need, is to be able to create a form and a corresponding report
where I can choose and add several different Activities into a subform that
together make a Kit. The form and its corresponding report will show a
comprehensive list of all the Kit Parts needed for all those Activities that
make up the Kit.

I know how to make a form where you choose from a list the Activity and it
shows the Kit Parts needed for that one Activity. But, I don't seem to be
able to take this to the "3D level" so to speak, where I choose MULTIPLE
Activities and the form (and eventually a report) will automatically show ALL
the Kit Parts needed for those chosen Activities.

Can anyone help me think through this barrier?

Thanks for your help!



Hi Kass,

I am still new to copying links... those posts may
be more detailed than you want to get right now
anyway, don't worry about it.

Here is a link on SQL basics. If the link doesn't
work, let me know and I'll paste the information
in here


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


Thanks for your quick responce. I want to look at the other form
suggestions you listed at the top of the page, but I couldn't get the links
to work. There was an error message indicating that server 119 is no longer
available or something like that. Can you advise...perhaps I am just not
accessing this correctly.

I think your multi-select list box may be what I'm looking for, however I'm
going to have to do some studying. I'm not well versed in SQL. I may have
to work on this and get back to you. In the mean time, if you know how I can
get to the info you sent, I'm very interested in learning all I can. I
really want this project to work for the people I'm building this database
for... it will save them an enormous amount of time and redundancy if I can
just figure this out!

I need a bigger brain! :)

Thanks for your help!



Hi Kass,

look here for ideas on other things you can do with your form:




for choosing multiple activities, consider using a
multi-select listbox , then you can loop thru the listbox
selected items and construct a WHERE clause for an SQL
statement that you can write to show all kit parts

here is some code for constructing a the WHERE clause from a
multi-select listbox for an SQL statement

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim mWhere As String

mWhere = ""
For Each varItem In me.listbox_controlname.ItemsSelected
'delete the line that doesn't apply
'for text
mWhere = mWhere & "'" _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & "', "
'for numbers
mWhere = mWhere _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & ", "
Next varItem

if len(mWhere ) > 0 then
mWhere = "[Field_Name] IN (" & mWhere

'remove comma from the end and add a parenthesis
mWhere = left(mWhere ,len(mWhere )-2)) & ")"

end if

'then, if you have other criteria, you can put code here


you can use the same code to construct a string to use for
the WHERE parameter of an OpenReport action

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com

I need to be able to populate a list using choices from another list for a
science kit database I have.

I have one form called "Activities" with a subform call Kit Parts. I choose
from a list of Activities, and then populate the subform with all the Kit
Parts needed to perform that Activity. I have many Activities and their
corresponding Kit Parts housed in a Kit Detail Table. This all works just

Now what I need, is to be able to create a form and a corresponding report
where I can choose and add several different Activities into a subform that
together make a Kit. The form and its corresponding report will show a
comprehensive list of all the Kit Parts needed for all those Activities that
make up the Kit.

I know how to make a form where you choose from a list the Activity and it
shows the Kit Parts needed for that one Activity. But, I don't seem to be
able to take this to the "3D level" so to speak, where I choose MULTIPLE
Activities and the form (and eventually a report) will automatically show ALL
the Kit Parts needed for those chosen Activities.

Can anyone help me think through this barrier?

Thanks for your help!




I really appreciate your patience with this! I tried that link and again
got the message "The server could not be found" , that it couldn't download
the requested message and that the message was likely removed or expired from
the server.... also it included the following detail message:

Account: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Server: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 119
Secure(SSL): 0
Code: 800ccc0d

I'm just pasting the link into an IE browser address line... is that the
correct method? I made sure I was signed in this time in case that was the
hold up.

Sorry for all the hassle. I'm definitely interested in the information if
you don't mind taking another stab at it.



strive4peace" <"strive4peace2006 at yaho said:
Hi Kass,

I am still new to copying links... those posts may
be more detailed than you want to get right now
anyway, don't worry about it.

Here is a link on SQL basics. If the link doesn't
work, let me know and I'll paste the information
in here


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


Thanks for your quick responce. I want to look at the other form
suggestions you listed at the top of the page, but I couldn't get the links
to work. There was an error message indicating that server 119 is no longer
available or something like that. Can you advise...perhaps I am just not
accessing this correctly.

I think your multi-select list box may be what I'm looking for, however I'm
going to have to do some studying. I'm not well versed in SQL. I may have
to work on this and get back to you. In the mean time, if you know how I can
get to the info you sent, I'm very interested in learning all I can. I
really want this project to work for the people I'm building this database
for... it will save them an enormous amount of time and redundancy if I can
just figure this out!

I need a bigger brain! :)

Thanks for your help!



Hi Kass,

look here for ideas on other things you can do with your form:




for choosing multiple activities, consider using a
multi-select listbox , then you can loop thru the listbox
selected items and construct a WHERE clause for an SQL
statement that you can write to show all kit parts

here is some code for constructing a the WHERE clause from a
multi-select listbox for an SQL statement

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim mWhere As String

mWhere = ""
For Each varItem In me.listbox_controlname.ItemsSelected
'delete the line that doesn't apply
'for text
mWhere = mWhere & "'" _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & "', "
'for numbers
mWhere = mWhere _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & ", "
Next varItem

if len(mWhere ) > 0 then
mWhere = "[Field_Name] IN (" & mWhere

'remove comma from the end and add a parenthesis
mWhere = left(mWhere ,len(mWhere )-2)) & ")"

end if

'then, if you have other criteria, you can put code here


you can use the same code to construct a string to use for
the WHERE parameter of an OpenReport action

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


Kass wrote:

I need to be able to populate a list using choices from another list for a
science kit database I have.

I have one form called "Activities" with a subform call Kit Parts. I choose
from a list of Activities, and then populate the subform with all the Kit
Parts needed to perform that Activity. I have many Activities and their
corresponding Kit Parts housed in a Kit Detail Table. This all works just

Now what I need, is to be able to create a form and a corresponding report
where I can choose and add several different Activities into a subform that
together make a Kit. The form and its corresponding report will show a
comprehensive list of all the Kit Parts needed for all those Activities that
make up the Kit.

I know how to make a form where you choose from a list the Activity and it
shows the Kit Parts needed for that one Activity. But, I don't seem to be
able to take this to the "3D level" so to speak, where I choose MULTIPLE
Activities and the form (and eventually a report) will automatically show ALL
the Kit Parts needed for those chosen Activities.

Can anyone help me think through this barrier?

Thanks for your help!



Hi Kass,

here you are!

Don't let the SQL acronym intimidate you, it is not tough to
learn the basics.

~~~~~~~~~~~ SQL background ~~~~~~~~~~~

SQL is Structured Query Language

It is a statement to get data out of one or more
tables/queries. This is what Access stores for:

1. Queries (just shows the QBE grid for convenience --
choose View, SQL)

2. RowSource for Comboboxes and Listboxes (if list does not
come directly from a table since a query is actually an SQL

3. RecordSource for Reports and Forms (if list does not come
directly from a table)

Queries can be different types, for instance:
1. Select
2. Crosstab
3. Make-Table
4. Update
5. Append
6. Delete

Select and Crosstab queries show data while the others are
"action" queries" and do not display data -- so you cannot
use them for record sources or for row sources.

To expand and reiterate:

Queries are a very powerful tool in Access -- you can do far
more than simply use them to select data

.... Queries can be ACTION Queries...they DO things, not show
you things

they can add data to a table --> APPEND Query

they can make changes to a table --> UPDATE Query

they can delete records from a table --> Delete Query

they can make tables --> Make-Table Query

they can transpose data --> Crosstab Query (which is also,
actually, SELECTing data from a table since there is not action)

Internally, Access stores an SQL (Structured Query Language)
statement for queries*, not the visual representation you
see when you design queries -- the QBE (Query-By-Example)
grid is for your benefit, so you can use drag-n-drop and
pick methods and visually look at things better.

*this is why it is so important to get comfortable with
lokking at SQL statements

A great way to become more familar with SQL is to LOOK at
the SQL everytime you make a query. Until you actually start
to look, you never realize how easy and sensible it actually
is... and It really helps to use Aliases (short
abbreviations) for tablenames as it makes the SQL statement

~~~~~~~~~~~ SELECT ~~~~~~~~~~~


SELECT fieldlist
FROM tablename
IN anotherdatabase.mdb
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ APPEND ~~~~~~~~~~~

An Append Query is a select query preceeded by

INSERT INTO Tablename (field1, field2, etc )

~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE ~~~~~~~~~~~
An Update Query first identifies the tables that are used

UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.keyfield =

Then identifies what to change

SET table1.fieldtochange = expression

Then, if you have criteria...

WHERE table.strField = 'somevalue'
AND table.numField = 99
AND table.dateField = #1/1/06#

~~~~~~~~ MAKE TABLE ~~~~~~~~

SELECT fieldlist
INTO tablename
IN c:\path\anotherdatabase.mdb
FROM tablename
WHERE conditions to process before recordset is made
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ DELETE ~~~~~~~~~~~

FROM tblArticles AS A
WHERE (A.somefield=2);

~~~~~~~~~~~ CROSSTAB ~~~~~~~~~~~

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

you can use equations to pivot (this will be column
headings). For instance, if you want the column headings to
be year and month, you can do this:

PIVOT Format([DateField],'yy-mm');

If you also want a column that totals whatever you have in
all the VALUE columns (the expression after TRANSFORM),
repeat your transform expression after the SELECT keyword
and the GROUPBY keywords

for instance:

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias2
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

~~~~~~~~ ALIASES ~~~~~~~~

Using Aliases for tablenames (/querynames) makes the SQL
easier to read.

For calculated fields, it is best to assign your own field
alias instead of letting Access use "expr1", "expr2", etc.
Calculated fields MUST have aliases.

an Alias follows the keyword AS

The SQL statement can be selected, copied, then pasted into
Word for formatting and printing (makes great wallpaper for
your wall, not your computer ;) as you are learning) or into
Notepad to have as a popup reference while you are working
into design view, etc.

~~~~~~~~ JOINs ~~~~~~~~

When you are getting information from more than one table,
the default join type is INNER JOIN. This means that only
records in common will be displayed. For instance, if you
have a table of Companies and a table of Jobs and not every
Company has done a job, but you want to see ALL the
companies anyway, you would use a Left Join or a Right Join
for the type of relationship between tables.

FROM Companies AS c
LEFT JOIN Jobs AS J ON c.CompID = J.CompID

The join is specified as a LEFT JOIN because ...
ON c.CompID = J.CompID --> C is on the LEFT side of the
equal sign.

~~~~~~~~ PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~

If you specify data type in Query, Parameters, the SQL
statement is preceeded by (for example):

PARAMETERS [enter category] Text ( 50 );

while the criteria may be:

WHERE (B.Category=[enter category])

~~~~~~~~ LOOK at SQL ~~~~~~~~

Whenever you create a query, LOOK at the SQL statement and
study it for a couple minutes -- it makes sense! Within a
short period, the confusion will be gone...

from the menu, choose:
View, SQL

First, get comfortable with SELECT statements. Once you
have them mastered, learn other forms.

~~~~~~~~ USING VBA to execute SQL statements ~~~~~~~~

You can execute action queries using VBA

dim strSQL as string

strSQL = "UPDATE tablename " _
& " SET fieldname = value " _
& " WHERE conditions;"

debug.print strSQL
currentdb.execute strSQL


** debug.print ***

debug.print strSQL

--> this prints a copy of the SQL statement to the debug
window (CTRL-G)

After you execute your code, open the Debug window
CTRL-G to Goto the debuG window -- look at the SQL statement

If the SQL statement has an error

1. Make a new query (design view)

2. choose View, SQL from the menu
(or SQL from the toolbar, first icon)

3. cut the SQL statement from the debug window
(select, CTRL-X)

4. paste into the SQL window of the Query

5. run ! from the SQL window
-- Access will tell you where the problem is in the SQL

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


I really appreciate your patience with this! I tried that link and again
got the message "The server could not be found" , that it couldn't download
the requested message and that the message was likely removed or expired from
the server.... also it included the following detail message:

Account: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Server: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 119
Secure(SSL): 0
Code: 800ccc0d

I'm just pasting the link into an IE browser address line... is that the
correct method? I made sure I was signed in this time in case that was the
hold up.

Sorry for all the hassle. I'm definitely interested in the information if
you don't mind taking another stab at it.




Hi Kass,

I am still new to copying links... those posts may
be more detailed than you want to get right now
anyway, don't worry about it.

Here is a link on SQL basics. If the link doesn't
work, let me know and I'll paste the information
in here


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


Thanks for your quick responce. I want to look at the other form
suggestions you listed at the top of the page, but I couldn't get the links
to work. There was an error message indicating that server 119 is no longer
available or something like that. Can you advise...perhaps I am just not
accessing this correctly.

I think your multi-select list box may be what I'm looking for, however I'm
going to have to do some studying. I'm not well versed in SQL. I may have
to work on this and get back to you. In the mean time, if you know how I can
get to the info you sent, I'm very interested in learning all I can. I
really want this project to work for the people I'm building this database
for... it will save them an enormous amount of time and redundancy if I can
just figure this out!

I need a bigger brain! :)

Thanks for your help!



Hi Kass,

look here for ideas on other things you can do with your form:




for choosing multiple activities, consider using a
multi-select listbox , then you can loop thru the listbox
selected items and construct a WHERE clause for an SQL
statement that you can write to show all kit parts

here is some code for constructing a the WHERE clause from a
multi-select listbox for an SQL statement

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim mWhere As String

mWhere = ""
For Each varItem In me.listbox_controlname.ItemsSelected
'delete the line that doesn't apply
'for text
mWhere = mWhere & "'" _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & "', "
'for numbers
mWhere = mWhere _
& me.listbox_controlname.ItemData(varItem) & ", "
Next varItem

if len(mWhere ) > 0 then
mWhere = "[Field_Name] IN (" & mWhere

'remove comma from the end and add a parenthesis
mWhere = left(mWhere ,len(mWhere )-2)) & ")"

end if

'then, if you have other criteria, you can put code here


you can use the same code to construct a string to use for
the WHERE parameter of an OpenReport action

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


Kass wrote:

I need to be able to populate a list using choices from another list for a
science kit database I have.

I have one form called "Activities" with a subform call Kit Parts. I choose

from a list of Activities, and then populate the subform with all the Kit

Parts needed to perform that Activity. I have many Activities and their
corresponding Kit Parts housed in a Kit Detail Table. This all works just

Now what I need, is to be able to create a form and a corresponding report
where I can choose and add several different Activities into a subform that
together make a Kit. The form and its corresponding report will show a
comprehensive list of all the Kit Parts needed for all those Activities that
make up the Kit.

I know how to make a form where you choose from a list the Activity and it
shows the Kit Parts needed for that one Activity. But, I don't seem to be
able to take this to the "3D level" so to speak, where I choose MULTIPLE
Activities and the form (and eventually a report) will automatically show ALL
the Kit Parts needed for those chosen Activities.

Can anyone help me think through this barrier?

Thanks for your help!




I REALLY appreciate you sending this info. You are right, this clears up a
lot of issues and jargon with SQL. I think you just have to work with this
stuff for a bit to start grasping how it all works together. I'm SLOWLY
getting there.... but at least I can feel progress none the less.

I have the database about where I want it. I have one more hurdle. I have
the Products with their product IDs (PID)... I have the Activities with their
activity IDs... I have the Kits with their IDs (KitID). The Kit is an
Activity and its ID with all the Products it takes to perform that Activity.
So KitID 1 may have Activity 24 which includes Products 4, 8, 10, and 22. I
also have the Books with thier book IDs (BID) and the Book Kits (BKitID).
Each Book Kit has an individual BKitID number and name and takes a Book ID
and seeds all the KitIDs and AIDs and Activity Names that go into making that
Book. So a BKitID will have with it a KitID and all its associated AIDs+PIDs
for each Activity included in the Book. All of this is now working great. I
can seed and lookup Activities and all the Products that make up the
individual Activities. I can also look up the Books and all the Activities
that make up that book.

Now the next step. To somehow get in a report....
If we look up a Book, it tells us the Activities that are included in that
book and all the Products that go into making up those Activities that make
up that Book. I think I'll have to try to get a query that will take the
BKitIDs and the KitIDs and bring that information together. If you have any
great ideas, let me know!

Anyway, I really appreciate all your help... I love the info on SQL!

Thanks again!


strive4peace" <"strive4peace2006 at yaho said:
Hi Kass,

here you are!

Don't let the SQL acronym intimidate you, it is not tough to
learn the basics.

~~~~~~~~~~~ SQL background ~~~~~~~~~~~

SQL is Structured Query Language

It is a statement to get data out of one or more
tables/queries. This is what Access stores for:

1. Queries (just shows the QBE grid for convenience --
choose View, SQL)

2. RowSource for Comboboxes and Listboxes (if list does not
come directly from a table since a query is actually an SQL

3. RecordSource for Reports and Forms (if list does not come
directly from a table)

Queries can be different types, for instance:
1. Select
2. Crosstab
3. Make-Table
4. Update
5. Append
6. Delete

Select and Crosstab queries show data while the others are
"action" queries" and do not display data -- so you cannot
use them for record sources or for row sources.

To expand and reiterate:

Queries are a very powerful tool in Access -- you can do far
more than simply use them to select data

.... Queries can be ACTION Queries...they DO things, not show
you things

they can add data to a table --> APPEND Query

they can make changes to a table --> UPDATE Query

they can delete records from a table --> Delete Query

they can make tables --> Make-Table Query

they can transpose data --> Crosstab Query (which is also,
actually, SELECTing data from a table since there is not action)

Internally, Access stores an SQL (Structured Query Language)
statement for queries*, not the visual representation you
see when you design queries -- the QBE (Query-By-Example)
grid is for your benefit, so you can use drag-n-drop and
pick methods and visually look at things better.

*this is why it is so important to get comfortable with
lokking at SQL statements

A great way to become more familar with SQL is to LOOK at
the SQL everytime you make a query. Until you actually start
to look, you never realize how easy and sensible it actually
is... and It really helps to use Aliases (short
abbreviations) for tablenames as it makes the SQL statement

~~~~~~~~~~~ SELECT ~~~~~~~~~~~


SELECT fieldlist
FROM tablename
IN anotherdatabase.mdb
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ APPEND ~~~~~~~~~~~

An Append Query is a select query preceeded by

INSERT INTO Tablename (field1, field2, etc )

~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE ~~~~~~~~~~~
An Update Query first identifies the tables that are used

UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.keyfield =

Then identifies what to change

SET table1.fieldtochange = expression

Then, if you have criteria...

WHERE table.strField = 'somevalue'
AND table.numField = 99
AND table.dateField = #1/1/06#

~~~~~~~~ MAKE TABLE ~~~~~~~~

SELECT fieldlist
INTO tablename
IN c:\path\anotherdatabase.mdb
FROM tablename
WHERE conditions to process before recordset is made
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ DELETE ~~~~~~~~~~~

FROM tblArticles AS A
WHERE (A.somefield=2);

~~~~~~~~~~~ CROSSTAB ~~~~~~~~~~~

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

you can use equations to pivot (this will be column
headings). For instance, if you want the column headings to
be year and month, you can do this:

PIVOT Format([DateField],'yy-mm');

If you also want a column that totals whatever you have in
all the VALUE columns (the expression after TRANSFORM),
repeat your transform expression after the SELECT keyword
and the GROUPBY keywords

for instance:

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias2
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

~~~~~~~~ ALIASES ~~~~~~~~

Using Aliases for tablenames (/querynames) makes the SQL
easier to read.

For calculated fields, it is best to assign your own field
alias instead of letting Access use "expr1", "expr2", etc.
Calculated fields MUST have aliases.

an Alias follows the keyword AS

The SQL statement can be selected, copied, then pasted into
Word for formatting and printing (makes great wallpaper for
your wall, not your computer ;) as you are learning) or into
Notepad to have as a popup reference while you are working
into design view, etc.

~~~~~~~~ JOINs ~~~~~~~~

When you are getting information from more than one table,
the default join type is INNER JOIN. This means that only
records in common will be displayed. For instance, if you
have a table of Companies and a table of Jobs and not every
Company has done a job, but you want to see ALL the
companies anyway, you would use a Left Join or a Right Join
for the type of relationship between tables.

FROM Companies AS c
LEFT JOIN Jobs AS J ON c.CompID = J.CompID

The join is specified as a LEFT JOIN because ...
ON c.CompID = J.CompID --> C is on the LEFT side of the
equal sign.

~~~~~~~~ PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~

If you specify data type in Query, Parameters, the SQL
statement is preceeded by (for example):

PARAMETERS [enter category] Text ( 50 );

while the criteria may be:

WHERE (B.Category=[enter category])

~~~~~~~~ LOOK at SQL ~~~~~~~~

Whenever you create a query, LOOK at the SQL statement and
study it for a couple minutes -- it makes sense! Within a
short period, the confusion will be gone...

from the menu, choose:
View, SQL

First, get comfortable with SELECT statements. Once you
have them mastered, learn other forms.

~~~~~~~~ USING VBA to execute SQL statements ~~~~~~~~

You can execute action queries using VBA

dim strSQL as string

strSQL = "UPDATE tablename " _
& " SET fieldname = value " _
& " WHERE conditions;"

debug.print strSQL
currentdb.execute strSQL


** debug.print ***

debug.print strSQL

--> this prints a copy of the SQL statement to the debug
window (CTRL-G)

After you execute your code, open the Debug window
CTRL-G to Goto the debuG window -- look at the SQL statement

If the SQL statement has an error

1. Make a new query (design view)

2. choose View, SQL from the menu
(or SQL from the toolbar, first icon)

3. cut the SQL statement from the debug window
(select, CTRL-X)

4. paste into the SQL window of the Query

5. run ! from the SQL window
-- Access will tell you where the problem is in the SQL

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


I really appreciate your patience with this! I tried that link and again
got the message "The server could not be found" , that it couldn't download
the requested message and that the message was likely removed or expired from
the server.... also it included the following detail message:

Account: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Server: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 119
Secure(SSL): 0
Code: 800ccc0d

I'm just pasting the link into an IE browser address line... is that the
correct method? I made sure I was signed in this time in case that was the
hold up.

Sorry for all the hassle. I'm definitely interested in the information if
you don't mind taking another stab at it.



Hi Kass,

you are welcome :)

In order to help you, I need to better understand your
structure. This is what I have surmised -- please make

PID, autonumber
Product, text

AID, autonumber
Activity, text

KitID, autonumber
AID, long integer
Kit, text

KPID, autonumber
KitID, long integer
PID, long integer

BookID, autonumber

BKitID, autonumber
BookID, long integer
KitID, long integer

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


I REALLY appreciate you sending this info. You are right, this clears up a
lot of issues and jargon with SQL. I think you just have to work with this
stuff for a bit to start grasping how it all works together. I'm SLOWLY
getting there.... but at least I can feel progress none the less.

I have the database about where I want it. I have one more hurdle. I have
the Products with their product IDs (PID)... I have the Activities with their
activity IDs... I have the Kits with their IDs (KitID). The Kit is an
Activity and its ID with all the Products it takes to perform that Activity.
So KitID 1 may have Activity 24 which includes Products 4, 8, 10, and 22. I
also have the Books with thier book IDs (BID) and the Book Kits (BKitID).
Each Book Kit has an individual BKitID number and name and takes a Book ID
and seeds all the KitIDs and AIDs and Activity Names that go into making that
Book. So a BKitID will have with it a KitID and all its associated AIDs+PIDs
for each Activity included in the Book. All of this is now working great. I
can seed and lookup Activities and all the Products that make up the
individual Activities. I can also look up the Books and all the Activities
that make up that book.

Now the next step. To somehow get in a report....
If we look up a Book, it tells us the Activities that are included in that
book and all the Products that go into making up those Activities that make
up that Book. I think I'll have to try to get a query that will take the
BKitIDs and the KitIDs and bring that information together. If you have any
great ideas, let me know!

Anyway, I really appreciate all your help... I love the info on SQL!

Thanks again!



Hi Kass,

here you are!

Don't let the SQL acronym intimidate you, it is not tough to
learn the basics.

~~~~~~~~~~~ SQL background ~~~~~~~~~~~

SQL is Structured Query Language

It is a statement to get data out of one or more
tables/queries. This is what Access stores for:

1. Queries (just shows the QBE grid for convenience --
choose View, SQL)

2. RowSource for Comboboxes and Listboxes (if list does not
come directly from a table since a query is actually an SQL

3. RecordSource for Reports and Forms (if list does not come
directly from a table)

Queries can be different types, for instance:
1. Select
2. Crosstab
3. Make-Table
4. Update
5. Append
6. Delete

Select and Crosstab queries show data while the others are
"action" queries" and do not display data -- so you cannot
use them for record sources or for row sources.

To expand and reiterate:

Queries are a very powerful tool in Access -- you can do far
more than simply use them to select data

.... Queries can be ACTION Queries...they DO things, not show
you things

they can add data to a table --> APPEND Query

they can make changes to a table --> UPDATE Query

they can delete records from a table --> Delete Query

they can make tables --> Make-Table Query

they can transpose data --> Crosstab Query (which is also,
actually, SELECTing data from a table since there is not action)

Internally, Access stores an SQL (Structured Query Language)
statement for queries*, not the visual representation you
see when you design queries -- the QBE (Query-By-Example)
grid is for your benefit, so you can use drag-n-drop and
pick methods and visually look at things better.

*this is why it is so important to get comfortable with
lokking at SQL statements

A great way to become more familar with SQL is to LOOK at
the SQL everytime you make a query. Until you actually start
to look, you never realize how easy and sensible it actually
is... and It really helps to use Aliases (short
abbreviations) for tablenames as it makes the SQL statement

~~~~~~~~~~~ SELECT ~~~~~~~~~~~


SELECT fieldlist
FROM tablename
IN anotherdatabase.mdb
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ APPEND ~~~~~~~~~~~

An Append Query is a select query preceeded by

INSERT INTO Tablename (field1, field2, etc )

~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE ~~~~~~~~~~~
An Update Query first identifies the tables that are used

UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.keyfield =

Then identifies what to change

SET table1.fieldtochange = expression

Then, if you have criteria...

WHERE table.strField = 'somevalue'
AND table.numField = 99
AND table.dateField = #1/1/06#

~~~~~~~~ MAKE TABLE ~~~~~~~~

SELECT fieldlist
INTO tablename
IN c:\path\anotherdatabase.mdb
FROM tablename
WHERE conditions to process before recordset is made
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ DELETE ~~~~~~~~~~~

FROM tblArticles AS A
WHERE (A.somefield=2);

~~~~~~~~~~~ CROSSTAB ~~~~~~~~~~~

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

you can use equations to pivot (this will be column
headings). For instance, if you want the column headings to
be year and month, you can do this:

PIVOT Format([DateField],'yy-mm');

If you also want a column that totals whatever you have in
all the VALUE columns (the expression after TRANSFORM),
repeat your transform expression after the SELECT keyword
and the GROUPBY keywords

for instance:

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias2
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

~~~~~~~~ ALIASES ~~~~~~~~

Using Aliases for tablenames (/querynames) makes the SQL
easier to read.

For calculated fields, it is best to assign your own field
alias instead of letting Access use "expr1", "expr2", etc.
Calculated fields MUST have aliases.

an Alias follows the keyword AS

The SQL statement can be selected, copied, then pasted into
Word for formatting and printing (makes great wallpaper for
your wall, not your computer ;) as you are learning) or into
Notepad to have as a popup reference while you are working
into design view, etc.

~~~~~~~~ JOINs ~~~~~~~~

When you are getting information from more than one table,
the default join type is INNER JOIN. This means that only
records in common will be displayed. For instance, if you
have a table of Companies and a table of Jobs and not every
Company has done a job, but you want to see ALL the
companies anyway, you would use a Left Join or a Right Join
for the type of relationship between tables.

FROM Companies AS c
LEFT JOIN Jobs AS J ON c.CompID = J.CompID

The join is specified as a LEFT JOIN because ...
ON c.CompID = J.CompID --> C is on the LEFT side of the
equal sign.

~~~~~~~~ PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~

If you specify data type in Query, Parameters, the SQL
statement is preceeded by (for example):

PARAMETERS [enter category] Text ( 50 );

while the criteria may be:

WHERE (B.Category=[enter category])

~~~~~~~~ LOOK at SQL ~~~~~~~~

Whenever you create a query, LOOK at the SQL statement and
study it for a couple minutes -- it makes sense! Within a
short period, the confusion will be gone...

from the menu, choose:
View, SQL

First, get comfortable with SELECT statements. Once you
have them mastered, learn other forms.

~~~~~~~~ USING VBA to execute SQL statements ~~~~~~~~

You can execute action queries using VBA

dim strSQL as string

strSQL = "UPDATE tablename " _
& " SET fieldname = value " _
& " WHERE conditions;"

debug.print strSQL
currentdb.execute strSQL


** debug.print ***

debug.print strSQL

--> this prints a copy of the SQL statement to the debug
window (CTRL-G)

After you execute your code, open the Debug window
CTRL-G to Goto the debuG window -- look at the SQL statement

If the SQL statement has an error

1. Make a new query (design view)

2. choose View, SQL from the menu
(or SQL from the toolbar, first icon)

3. cut the SQL statement from the debug window
(select, CTRL-X)

4. paste into the SQL window of the Query

5. run ! from the SQL window
-- Access will tell you where the problem is in the SQL

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


I really appreciate your patience with this! I tried that link and again
got the message "The server could not be found" , that it couldn't download
the requested message and that the message was likely removed or expired from
the server.... also it included the following detail message:

Account: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Server: msnews.microsoft.com:119
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 119
Secure(SSL): 0
Code: 800ccc0d

I'm just pasting the link into an IE browser address line... is that the
correct method? I made sure I was signed in this time in case that was the
hold up.

Sorry for all the hassle. I'm definitely interested in the information if
you don't mind taking another stab at it.




You have been so helpful and I really appreciate it! I don't mean to skip
your responce below, but thanks to your help with SQL, I was able to get the
query to pull the info the way I needed. I have one report complete, "Book &
Activities Report". It takes a summary from a select query and gives the
following data:

Book Name : Pawnee Elementary Grade 5
Activity 1 - Product 1
Product 22
Product 3
Product 18

Activity 2 - Product 22
Product 44
Product 66

Activity 3 - Product 3
Product 18
Product 55
Product 12
Product 22

Now I need a similar report, Book & Parts Report. I need it however to make
a count of the Products... something like this:

Book Name : Pawnee Elementary Grade 5
Product 1 1
Product 3 2
Product 12 1
Product 18 1
Product 22 3
Product 44 1
Product 55 1
Product 66 1

The report will put the Products in order, with no gaps (I tried Hide
Duplicates... but it leaves gaps) and a summary count of each of the
products. This will help my client not only know what which Activities and
what Products go into which Books, but also give them a summary of the
Products and how many of each go into each Book.

If you know this off hand, let me know. If it is alot of trouble on your
end, I'll just keep doing some digging. Seems like I've done this before,
but can't remember if I had to do it within a query or in the report itself.

Take Care!


strive4peace" <"strive4peace2006 at yaho said:
Hi Kass,

you are welcome :)

In order to help you, I need to better understand your
structure. This is what I have surmised -- please make

PID, autonumber
Product, text

AID, autonumber
Activity, text

KitID, autonumber
AID, long integer
Kit, text

KPID, autonumber
KitID, long integer
PID, long integer

BookID, autonumber

BKitID, autonumber
BookID, long integer
KitID, long integer

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


I REALLY appreciate you sending this info. You are right, this clears up a
lot of issues and jargon with SQL. I think you just have to work with this
stuff for a bit to start grasping how it all works together. I'm SLOWLY
getting there.... but at least I can feel progress none the less.

I have the database about where I want it. I have one more hurdle. I have
the Products with their product IDs (PID)... I have the Activities with their
activity IDs... I have the Kits with their IDs (KitID). The Kit is an
Activity and its ID with all the Products it takes to perform that Activity.
So KitID 1 may have Activity 24 which includes Products 4, 8, 10, and 22. I
also have the Books with thier book IDs (BID) and the Book Kits (BKitID).
Each Book Kit has an individual BKitID number and name and takes a Book ID
and seeds all the KitIDs and AIDs and Activity Names that go into making that
Book. So a BKitID will have with it a KitID and all its associated AIDs+PIDs
for each Activity included in the Book. All of this is now working great. I
can seed and lookup Activities and all the Products that make up the
individual Activities. I can also look up the Books and all the Activities
that make up that book.

Now the next step. To somehow get in a report....
If we look up a Book, it tells us the Activities that are included in that
book and all the Products that go into making up those Activities that make
up that Book. I think I'll have to try to get a query that will take the
BKitIDs and the KitIDs and bring that information together. If you have any
great ideas, let me know!

Anyway, I really appreciate all your help... I love the info on SQL!

Thanks again!



Hi Kass,

here you are!

Don't let the SQL acronym intimidate you, it is not tough to
learn the basics.

~~~~~~~~~~~ SQL background ~~~~~~~~~~~

SQL is Structured Query Language

It is a statement to get data out of one or more
tables/queries. This is what Access stores for:

1. Queries (just shows the QBE grid for convenience --
choose View, SQL)

2. RowSource for Comboboxes and Listboxes (if list does not
come directly from a table since a query is actually an SQL

3. RecordSource for Reports and Forms (if list does not come
directly from a table)

Queries can be different types, for instance:
1. Select
2. Crosstab
3. Make-Table
4. Update
5. Append
6. Delete

Select and Crosstab queries show data while the others are
"action" queries" and do not display data -- so you cannot
use them for record sources or for row sources.

To expand and reiterate:

Queries are a very powerful tool in Access -- you can do far
more than simply use them to select data

.... Queries can be ACTION Queries...they DO things, not show
you things

they can add data to a table --> APPEND Query

they can make changes to a table --> UPDATE Query

they can delete records from a table --> Delete Query

they can make tables --> Make-Table Query

they can transpose data --> Crosstab Query (which is also,
actually, SELECTing data from a table since there is not action)

Internally, Access stores an SQL (Structured Query Language)
statement for queries*, not the visual representation you
see when you design queries -- the QBE (Query-By-Example)
grid is for your benefit, so you can use drag-n-drop and
pick methods and visually look at things better.

*this is why it is so important to get comfortable with
lokking at SQL statements

A great way to become more familar with SQL is to LOOK at
the SQL everytime you make a query. Until you actually start
to look, you never realize how easy and sensible it actually
is... and It really helps to use Aliases (short
abbreviations) for tablenames as it makes the SQL statement

~~~~~~~~~~~ SELECT ~~~~~~~~~~~


SELECT fieldlist
FROM tablename
IN anotherdatabase.mdb
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ APPEND ~~~~~~~~~~~

An Append Query is a select query preceeded by

INSERT INTO Tablename (field1, field2, etc )

~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE ~~~~~~~~~~~
An Update Query first identifies the tables that are used

UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.keyfield =

Then identifies what to change

SET table1.fieldtochange = expression

Then, if you have criteria...

WHERE table.strField = 'somevalue'
AND table.numField = 99
AND table.dateField = #1/1/06#

~~~~~~~~ MAKE TABLE ~~~~~~~~

SELECT fieldlist
INTO tablename
IN c:\path\anotherdatabase.mdb
FROM tablename
WHERE conditions to process before recordset is made
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ DELETE ~~~~~~~~~~~

FROM tblArticles AS A
WHERE (A.somefield=2);

~~~~~~~~~~~ CROSSTAB ~~~~~~~~~~~

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

you can use equations to pivot (this will be column
headings). For instance, if you want the column headings to
be year and month, you can do this:

PIVOT Format([DateField],'yy-mm');

If you also want a column that totals whatever you have in
all the VALUE columns (the expression after TRANSFORM),
repeat your transform expression after the SELECT keyword
and the GROUPBY keywords

for instance:

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias2
FROM Table2 AS B
ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

~~~~~~~~ ALIASES ~~~~~~~~

Using Aliases for tablenames (/querynames) makes the SQL
easier to read.

For calculated fields, it is best to assign your own field
alias instead of letting Access use "expr1", "expr2", etc.
Calculated fields MUST have aliases.

an Alias follows the keyword AS

The SQL statement can be selected, copied, then pasted into
Word for formatting and printing (makes great wallpaper for
your wall, not your computer ;) as you are learning) or into
Notepad to have as a popup reference while you are working
into design view, etc.

~~~~~~~~ JOINs ~~~~~~~~

When you are getting information from more than one table,
the default join type is INNER JOIN. This means that only
records in common will be displayed. For instance, if you
have a table of Companies and a table of Jobs and not every
Company has done a job, but you want to see ALL the
companies anyway, you would use a Left Join or a Right Join
for the type of relationship between tables.

FROM Companies AS c
LEFT JOIN Jobs AS J ON c.CompID = J.CompID

The join is specified as a LEFT JOIN because ...
ON c.CompID = J.CompID --> C is on the LEFT side of the
equal sign.

~~~~~~~~ PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~

If you specify data type in Query, Parameters, the SQL
statement is preceeded by (for example):

PARAMETERS [enter category] Text ( 50 );

while the criteria may be:

WHERE (B.Category=[enter category])

~~~~~~~~ LOOK at SQL ~~~~~~~~

Whenever you create a query, LOOK at the SQL statement and
study it for a couple minutes -- it makes sense! Within a
short period, the confusion will be gone...

from the menu, choose:


Hi Kass,

thank you :)

make Product one of your report groupings and choose YES for
Group footer so you create a section

from the menu --> View, Sorting & Grouping

hide the detail

in the Product footer, put the product and the count

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


You have been so helpful and I really appreciate it! I don't mean to skip
your responce below, but thanks to your help with SQL, I was able to get the
query to pull the info the way I needed. I have one report complete, "Book &
Activities Report". It takes a summary from a select query and gives the
following data:

Book Name : Pawnee Elementary Grade 5
Activity 1 - Product 1
Product 22
Product 3
Product 18

Activity 2 - Product 22
Product 44
Product 66

Activity 3 - Product 3
Product 18
Product 55
Product 12
Product 22

Now I need a similar report, Book & Parts Report. I need it however to make
a count of the Products... something like this:

Book Name : Pawnee Elementary Grade 5
Product 1 1
Product 3 2
Product 12 1
Product 18 1
Product 22 3
Product 44 1
Product 55 1
Product 66 1

The report will put the Products in order, with no gaps (I tried Hide
Duplicates... but it leaves gaps) and a summary count of each of the
products. This will help my client not only know what which Activities and
what Products go into which Books, but also give them a summary of the
Products and how many of each go into each Book.

If you know this off hand, let me know. If it is alot of trouble on your
end, I'll just keep doing some digging. Seems like I've done this before,
but can't remember if I had to do it within a query or in the report itself.

Take Care!



Hi Kass,

you are welcome :)

In order to help you, I need to better understand your
structure. This is what I have surmised -- please make

PID, autonumber
Product, text

AID, autonumber
Activity, text

KitID, autonumber
AID, long integer
Kit, text

KPID, autonumber
KitID, long integer
PID, long integer

BookID, autonumber

BKitID, autonumber
BookID, long integer
KitID, long integer

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


I REALLY appreciate you sending this info. You are right, this clears up a
lot of issues and jargon with SQL. I think you just have to work with this
stuff for a bit to start grasping how it all works together. I'm SLOWLY
getting there.... but at least I can feel progress none the less.

I have the database about where I want it. I have one more hurdle. I have
the Products with their product IDs (PID)... I have the Activities with their
activity IDs... I have the Kits with their IDs (KitID). The Kit is an
Activity and its ID with all the Products it takes to perform that Activity.
So KitID 1 may have Activity 24 which includes Products 4, 8, 10, and 22. I
also have the Books with thier book IDs (BID) and the Book Kits (BKitID).
Each Book Kit has an individual BKitID number and name and takes a Book ID
and seeds all the KitIDs and AIDs and Activity Names that go into making that
Book. So a BKitID will have with it a KitID and all its associated AIDs+PIDs
for each Activity included in the Book. All of this is now working great. I
can seed and lookup Activities and all the Products that make up the
individual Activities. I can also look up the Books and all the Activities
that make up that book.

Now the next step. To somehow get in a report....
If we look up a Book, it tells us the Activities that are included in that
book and all the Products that go into making up those Activities that make
up that Book. I think I'll have to try to get a query that will take the
BKitIDs and the KitIDs and bring that information together. If you have any
great ideas, let me know!

Anyway, I really appreciate all your help... I love the info on SQL!

Thanks again!



Hi Kass,

here you are!

Don't let the SQL acronym intimidate you, it is not tough to
learn the basics.

~~~~~~~~~~~ SQL background ~~~~~~~~~~~

SQL is Structured Query Language

It is a statement to get data out of one or more
tables/queries. This is what Access stores for:

1. Queries (just shows the QBE grid for convenience --
choose View, SQL)

2. RowSource for Comboboxes and Listboxes (if list does not
come directly from a table since a query is actually an SQL

3. RecordSource for Reports and Forms (if list does not come
directly from a table)

Queries can be different types, for instance:
1. Select
2. Crosstab
3. Make-Table
4. Update
5. Append
6. Delete

Select and Crosstab queries show data while the others are
"action" queries" and do not display data -- so you cannot
use them for record sources or for row sources.

To expand and reiterate:

Queries are a very powerful tool in Access -- you can do far
more than simply use them to select data

.... Queries can be ACTION Queries...they DO things, not show
you things

they can add data to a table --> APPEND Query

they can make changes to a table --> UPDATE Query

they can delete records from a table --> Delete Query

they can make tables --> Make-Table Query

they can transpose data --> Crosstab Query (which is also,
actually, SELECTing data from a table since there is not action)

Internally, Access stores an SQL (Structured Query Language)
statement for queries*, not the visual representation you
see when you design queries -- the QBE (Query-By-Example)
grid is for your benefit, so you can use drag-n-drop and
pick methods and visually look at things better.

*this is why it is so important to get comfortable with
lokking at SQL statements

A great way to become more familar with SQL is to LOOK at
the SQL everytime you make a query. Until you actually start
to look, you never realize how easy and sensible it actually
is... and It really helps to use Aliases (short
abbreviations) for tablenames as it makes the SQL statement

~~~~~~~~~~~ SELECT ~~~~~~~~~~~


SELECT fieldlist

FROM tablename

IN anotherdatabase.mdb
WHERE conditions
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ APPEND ~~~~~~~~~~~

An Append Query is a select query preceeded by

INSERT INTO Tablename (field1, field2, etc )

~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE ~~~~~~~~~~~
An Update Query first identifies the tables that are used

UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.keyfield =

Then identifies what to change

SET table1.fieldtochange = expression

Then, if you have criteria...

WHERE table.strField = 'somevalue'
AND table.numField = 99
AND table.dateField = #1/1/06#

~~~~~~~~ MAKE TABLE ~~~~~~~~

SELECT fieldlist
INTO tablename
IN c:\path\anotherdatabase.mdb

FROM tablename

WHERE conditions to process before recordset is made
GROUP BY fieldlist
HAVING conditions for fields that are grouped
ORDER BY fieldlist;

~~~~~~~~~~~ DELETE ~~~~~~~~~~~


FROM tblArticles AS A

WHERE (A.somefield=2);

~~~~~~~~~~~ CROSSTAB ~~~~~~~~~~~

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias

FROM Table2 AS B

ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

you can use equations to pivot (this will be column
headings). For instance, if you want the column headings to
be year and month, you can do this:

PIVOT Format([DateField],'yy-mm');

If you also want a column that totals whatever you have in
all the VALUE columns (the expression after TRANSFORM),
repeat your transform expression after the SELECT keyword
and the GROUPBY keywords

for instance:

TRANSFORM Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias
Count(B.Fieldname1) AS FieldAlias2

FROM Table2 AS B

ON B.someID = A.someID
PIVOT By B.Fieldname1;

~~~~~~~~ ALIASES ~~~~~~~~

Using Aliases for tablenames (/querynames) makes the SQL
easier to read.

For calculated fields, it is best to assign your own field
alias instead of letting Access use "expr1", "expr2", etc.
Calculated fields MUST have aliases.

an Alias follows the keyword AS

The SQL statement can be selected, copied, then pasted into
Word for formatting and printing (makes great wallpaper for
your wall, not your computer ;) as you are learning) or into
Notepad to have as a popup reference while you are working
into design view, etc.

~~~~~~~~ JOINs ~~~~~~~~

When you are getting information from more than one table,
the default join type is INNER JOIN. This means that only
records in common will be displayed. For instance, if you
have a table of Companies and a table of Jobs and not every
Company has done a job, but you want to see ALL the
companies anyway, you would use a Left Join or a Right Join
for the type of relationship between tables.

FROM Companies AS c

LEFT JOIN Jobs AS J ON c.CompID = J.CompID

The join is specified as a LEFT JOIN because ...
ON c.CompID = J.CompID --> C is on the LEFT side of the
equal sign.

~~~~~~~~ PARAMETERS ~~~~~~~~

If you specify data type in Query, Parameters, the SQL
statement is preceeded by (for example):

PARAMETERS [enter category] Text ( 50 );

while the criteria may be:

WHERE (B.Category=[enter category])

~~~~~~~~ LOOK at SQL ~~~~~~~~

Whenever you create a query, LOOK at the SQL statement and
study it for a couple minutes -- it makes sense! Within a
short period, the confusion will be gone...

from the menu, choose:



Thanks! I had made a report already and figured out about adding the
"Product Footer" as you say. But this put the Product on one line and the
Product count on the line below it. This was workable, but I really wanted
them both on the same line for clarity and to save space. So after reading
your response, I dragged the Product field into the Product Footer section
and it is just perfect! Thanks for all your help! This is working just as I
need it to! Again I appreciate all you have helped me with and I'm so
excited because thanks to your SQL summary info, I'm finally starting to
understand this better.

If I have a problem in the future, is there a way to direct a question to
you. I don't mean to pester you, but you seem to explain things so I can
understand them. I have always appreciated the responses on the board,
whether my question or just searching, but sometimes I just don't click with
the way some of these guys explain things. If it is not possible or
feasible, I certainly understand... just thot I'd inquire.

Thanks for everything!



Hi Kass,

Thanks, Kass. I am flattered, of course. Like you, I am
constantly learning more about Access. Although I have been
using Access for more than a decade and programming for
about 30 years, there is soooo much to know, Access is truly
a remarkably powerful application. I am in awe of others
who are so incredibly amazing and they are MY mentors. I do
not often ask questions, but I do search and read posts
written by the many people that I admire.

Until a couple years ago, I didn't even know public forums
like this existed! Most of what I know is self-taught. I
am one of those people who got used to learn in alphabetical
order :) Back when software came with manuals, before I
used an application, I read the documentation from
cover-to-cover. I like to read printed pages better than a
screen, so when I really want to understand something, I
print it out and take notes in the margins.

If you start reading the help in Access from the beginning
of the Table of Contents, you will find that it is very well

There is really no way for me to help you directly on the
forums -- what I mostly do is look for unanswered posts to
see if I can be of assistance. I will keep my eyes peeled
for your name, though -- but I cannot make any promises as
my volunteer time is limited and if someone else is already
giving you assistance, I do not want to step on any toes --
if I can add something, I will if I see it.

My business is custom training and programming -- mostly
over the phone and through email. If you contact me
directly (email address in my siggy), I assume you are
interested in information about that.

I am writing a book on VBA and send the chapters that are
done to anyone who requests it -- email me if you want them.

I am thrilled that you are getting a grip on SQL and happy
that I put you on your path. It is kinda funny -- I started
using databases in the early 80's with dBase and, for years,
never knew that I knew SQL! I heard the term, but it was
like a mysterious cloud! When I finally LOOKED at an SQL
statement, I laughed! ... couldn't believe that I was so
intimidated by it when it was something I already knew --
just had never known what to call it!

Programming itself is simple logic -- the main thing you
need to be successful is a strong foundation and a logical
approach. Once you become familiar with syntax, it makes
total sense! With Access, the most important thing to get
right is the data structures -- that is like the foundation
of your building -- it matters not what color the walls are
(the reports) -- the foundation is what determines how high
you can go.

Another thing about Access -- it is OBJECT-ORIENTED. Just
like in the real world, every object has properties and methods.

Properties describe an object
Methods define actions an object can do

For instance, you are a human and have properties such as
hair color, eye color, height, weight, ... and methods such
as eat, run, jump,...

If you become familiar with the different types of objects
that Access can use and the properties that define them and
the methods they can do (and what triggers them), you will
be on your way!

When you are in the design view of anything, keep the
properties window showing. Turn on/off the Properties
window --> View, Properties from the menu

Then click on various objects.

You can get help about any property by pressing F1 while in
the property you want more information on.

If you are on a form or report, the most important property
is the NAME, because that is how you refer to it in code.
If the name is ambiguous, change it!

Explore the property sheet. Get familiar with how
properties are grouped on the tabs (where applicable) and
the different properties available for different objects.

For general help about Access, I find it interesting and
informative to read the help starting from the beginning of
the Contents. In fact, if you have the desire to print a
ream of paper, it would be good to print it like a book and
read it.

I wish you continued success!

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


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