Populating a userform 3 col listbox



Dara sheet with many rows and many columns.

User form with 2 listboxes and five text boxes. Listbox1
contains Vendor Names. Listbox2 to have 3 columns. Col 1
= a constant 6 characters (part #), column 2 = 6-8
characters (Prod line),and col 3 = 8-20 characters

Listbox1 & the textboxes are up and running. Listbox2 is
a different matter. Each vendor may have from 1 to 40
products. Textbox1 contains vendor ID#, Textbox5 lists #
products vendor provides.

Col 1 part#
Col 2 Description
Col 4 Vendor
Col 6 Vendor ID #
Col 10 Productline

My thought is to do a find on col6 with the value in
textbox5 & put the values from col 1, col10, and col 2
into listbox 2. Is this the best approach? & could you
please give some guidance respects coding & formatting of
column widths.


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