Populating combo boxes

  • Thread starter Cecilkumara Fernando
  • Start date

Cecilkumara Fernando

Hi All,
I have 12 named ranges say Jan,Feb,.........Dec
these 12 ranges falls in 4 categories say Qrt1, Qrt2, Qrt3, Qrt4
so I make another 4 lists, 1st one, Jan,Feb,Mar and named it as Qrt1 so on.

Can I have 3 comboboxes in a userform so that 1st one shows Qrt1,Qrt2, Qrt3,
Qrt4 and when Qrt3 is selected the 2nd combobox populate with the list
Jul,Aug,Sep and when Aug is selected the 3rd combobox populate with the list
named Aug.
A sample code is very much appreciated.

Tom Ogilvy

Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
ComboBox1.Value = ""
ComboBox2.Value = ""
ComboBox3.Value = ""
ComboBox1.AddItem "Qrt1"
ComboBox1.AddItem "Qrt2"
ComboBox1.AddItem "Qrt3"
ComboBox1.AddItem "Qrt4"
End Sub

Private Sub Combobox1_Click()
Dim lngVal As Long, i As Long
ComboBox2.Value = ""
ComboBox3.Value = ""
lngVal = ComboBox1.ListIndex
For i = lngVal * 3 + 1 To lngVal * 3 + 3
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(DateSerial(2003, i, 1), "mmm")
Debug.Print Format(DateSerial(2003, i, 1), "mmm")
End Sub

Private Sub Combobox2_Click()
ComboBox3.List = Range(ComboBox2.Text).Value
End Sub

Chip Pearson


Try the following code in the form's code module. It assumes you have three
comboboxes named cbxQuarter, cbxMonth, and cbxData.

Private Sub cbxQuarter_Change()
With Me.cbxMonth
Select Case Me.cbxQuarter.ListIndex
Case 0
.AddItem "Jan"
.AddItem "Feb"
.AddItem "Mar"
Case 1
.AddItem "Apr"
.AddItem "May"
.AddItem "Jun"
Case 2
.AddItem "Jul"
.AddItem "Aug"
.AddItem "Sep"
Case 3
.AddItem "Oct"
.AddItem "Nov"
.AddItem "Dec"
End Select
.ListIndex = 0
End With
End Sub

Private Sub cbxMonth_Change()
Dim Rng As Range
With Me.cbxData
For Each Rng In Range(Me.cbxMonth.Value)
.AddItem Rng.Text
Next Rng
.ListIndex = 0
End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me.cbxQuarter
.AddItem "Qtr 1"
.AddItem "Qtr 2"
.AddItem "Qtr 3"
.AddItem "Qtr 4"
.ListIndex = 0
End With
Me.cbxMonth.ListIndex = 0
End Sub

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
www.cpearson.com (e-mail address removed)

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