Populating Email Subject Header



I currently have a mailto: hyperlink within my ASP DRW Page to request for
more information.

I want to be able to populate the Subject Header of the email with one of
the already existing DRW field values coming in from my access database.

Please could somebody advise me of this.



Also, why is it that nobody else wants to populate the subject with a DB
value. All the other threads i have scanned over just talk about plain text.
Makes me wonder whether i am asking the impossible!

Thomas A. Rowe

Most would tend to do this with a form, and not a mailto which the user can change, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.


So do you suggest that i use a form instead of DRW Table to display all info,
even though i don't want the user to have any input. If so, could you poss
advise how to do such a thing!


Thomas A. Rowe

Yes. I can not tell you how to do this with the DRW, as I don't use it, I do all hand coding.

For example, see:
Select Trading Post, then any category or brand, then view a specific product, and you will see to
option that allow site visitor to request more info on a product or email a link to a friend.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.


Advise you or write the code for you?

I can advise you. The mailto: takes several querystring values that can be
used to populate the subject and other attributes with data. This pseudo

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=New Article &body=Here's a good one
&[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>

<%= Clinton Gallagher
METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/


Hi there,

Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately from the code you have shown
below, it only shows how to pre place text. I need to be able to place in a
variable field that has already been returned from the access db to my DRW
section on the same page on entry of the page.

Any ideas.


Stefan B Rusynko

The DBRW won't do it for you
- but you can hand code it if you know your DB field names and the page has already called them
For example to replace the email and subject (from fields named email and subject) in the prior example use

<a href="mailto:<%=fp_rs("email")%>?subject=<%=fp_rs("subject")%>&body=Here's a good one
&[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>

| Hi there,
| Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately from the code you have shown
| below, it only shows how to pre place text. I need to be able to place in a
| variable field that has already been returned from the access db to my DRW
| section on the same page on entry of the page.
| Any ideas.
| Cheers
| "clintonG" wrote:
| > Advise you or write the code for you?
| >
| > I can advise you. The mailto: takes several querystring values that can be
| > used to populate the subject and other attributes with data. This pseudo
| > example...
| >
| > <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=New Article &body=Here's a good one
| > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| >
| >
| > <%= Clinton Gallagher
| > METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
| > NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
| > URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
| > URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
| >
| >
| >
| > | > >I currently have a mailto: hyperlink within my ASP DRW Page to request for
| > > more information.
| > >
| > > I want to be able to populate the Subject Header of the email with one of
| > > the already existing DRW field values coming in from my access database.
| > >
| > > Please could somebody advise me of this.
| > >
| > > Thanks
| >
| >
| >


Thanks for the below. Code looks fine now. When i preview in browser i get
the following now:

'The Page cannot be displayed

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'fp_rs'
/MCProductInfo.asp, line 70

Browser Type:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

GET /MCProductInfo.asp

Thanks in advance.

Stefan B Rusynko

You need to use the correct naming convention for the way your page names the fields and valid field names
- 'fp_rs' was an example not a requirement

- type mismatch means there is a syntax error in the field or recordset name you used

| Thanks for the below. Code looks fine now. When i preview in browser i get
| the following now:
| 'The Page cannot be displayed
| Error Type:
| Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
| Type mismatch: 'fp_rs'
| /MCProductInfo.asp, line 70
| Browser Type:
| Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
| Page:
| GET /MCProductInfo.asp
| Thanks in advance.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > The DBRW won't do it for you
| > - but you can hand code it if you know your DB field names and the page has already called them
| > For example to replace the email and subject (from fields named email and subject) in the prior example use
| >
| > <a href="mailto:<%=fp_rs("email")%>?subject=<%=fp_rs("subject")%>&body=Here's a good one
| > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | Hi there,
| > |
| > | Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately from the code you have shown
| > | below, it only shows how to pre place text. I need to be able to place in a
| > | variable field that has already been returned from the access db to my DRW
| > | section on the same page on entry of the page.
| > |
| > | Any ideas.
| > |
| > | Cheers
| > |
| > | "clintonG" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Advise you or write the code for you?
| > | >
| > | > I can advise you. The mailto: takes several querystring values that can be
| > | > used to populate the subject and other attributes with data. This pseudo
| > | > example...
| > | >
| > | > <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=New Article &body=Here's a good one
| > | > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > <%= Clinton Gallagher
| > | > METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
| > | > NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
| > | > URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
| > | > URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > >I currently have a mailto: hyperlink within my ASP DRW Page to request for
| > | > > more information.
| > | > >
| > | > > I want to be able to populate the Subject Header of the email with one of
| > | > > the already existing DRW field values coming in from my access database.
| > | > >
| > | > > Please could somebody advise me of this.
| > | > >
| > | > > Thanks
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >


Sorry to keep hastling you, but i am not completely up to scratch with ASP
coding yet. I have renamed the fields as they were displayed for the DRW
section, but getting another error now:

Email Code=

href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=<%=FP_FieldVal(fp_rs,"UKC_Code")%>">
<font size="2" color="#800000">Request more information</font></a></b><p
style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<font size="2" color="#800000"><b>

Then i get this error in preview:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'rs'
/_fpclass/fpdblib.inc, line 48

Any clues!


Stefan B Rusynko said:
You need to use the correct naming convention for the way your page names the fields and valid field names
- 'fp_rs' was an example not a requirement

- type mismatch means there is a syntax error in the field or recordset name you used

| Thanks for the below. Code looks fine now. When i preview in browser i get
| the following now:
| 'The Page cannot be displayed
| Error Type:
| Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
| Type mismatch: 'fp_rs'
| /MCProductInfo.asp, line 70
| Browser Type:
| Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
| Page:
| GET /MCProductInfo.asp
| Thanks in advance.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > The DBRW won't do it for you
| > - but you can hand code it if you know your DB field names and the page has already called them
| > For example to replace the email and subject (from fields named email and subject) in the prior example use
| >
| > <a href="mailto:<%=fp_rs("email")%>?subject=<%=fp_rs("subject")%>&body=Here's a good one
| > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | Hi there,
| > |
| > | Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately from the code you have shown
| > | below, it only shows how to pre place text. I need to be able to place in a
| > | variable field that has already been returned from the access db to my DRW
| > | section on the same page on entry of the page.
| > |
| > | Any ideas.
| > |
| > | Cheers
| > |
| > | "clintonG" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Advise you or write the code for you?
| > | >
| > | > I can advise you. The mailto: takes several querystring values that can be
| > | > used to populate the subject and other attributes with data. This pseudo
| > | > example...
| > | >
| > | > <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=New Article &body=Here's a good one
| > | > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > <%= Clinton Gallagher
| > | > METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
| > | > NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
| > | > URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
| > | > URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > >I currently have a mailto: hyperlink within my ASP DRW Page to request for
| > | > > more information.
| > | > >
| > | > > I want to be able to populate the Subject Header of the email with one of
| > | > > the already existing DRW field values coming in from my access database.
| > | > >
| > | > > Please could somebody advise me of this.
| > | > >
| > | > > Thanks
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >


All sorted now. many thanks for all your help. As soon as i placed the
relevant code before the DRW Close command it worked fine. Found out that
info from another thread that you were part of. My, you get around this forum
a bit.


NEvans8993 said:
Sorry to keep hastling you, but i am not completely up to scratch with ASP
coding yet. I have renamed the fields as they were displayed for the DRW
section, but getting another error now:

Email Code=

href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=<%=FP_FieldVal(fp_rs,"UKC_Code")%>">
<font size="2" color="#800000">Request more information</font></a></b><p
style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
<font size="2" color="#800000"><b>

Then i get this error in preview:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'rs'
/_fpclass/fpdblib.inc, line 48

Any clues!


Stefan B Rusynko said:
You need to use the correct naming convention for the way your page names the fields and valid field names
- 'fp_rs' was an example not a requirement

- type mismatch means there is a syntax error in the field or recordset name you used

| Thanks for the below. Code looks fine now. When i preview in browser i get
| the following now:
| 'The Page cannot be displayed
| Error Type:
| Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
| Type mismatch: 'fp_rs'
| /MCProductInfo.asp, line 70
| Browser Type:
| Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
| Page:
| GET /MCProductInfo.asp
| Thanks in advance.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > The DBRW won't do it for you
| > - but you can hand code it if you know your DB field names and the page has already called them
| > For example to replace the email and subject (from fields named email and subject) in the prior example use
| >
| > <a href="mailto:<%=fp_rs("email")%>?subject=<%=fp_rs("subject")%>&body=Here's a good one
| > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | Hi there,
| > |
| > | Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately from the code you have shown
| > | below, it only shows how to pre place text. I need to be able to place in a
| > | variable field that has already been returned from the access db to my DRW
| > | section on the same page on entry of the page.
| > |
| > | Any ideas.
| > |
| > | Cheers
| > |
| > | "clintonG" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Advise you or write the code for you?
| > | >
| > | > I can advise you. The mailto: takes several querystring values that can be
| > | > used to populate the subject and other attributes with data. This pseudo
| > | > example...
| > | >
| > | > <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=New Article &body=Here's a good one
| > | > &[email protected] &[email protected]> Great Article Idea </a>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > <%= Clinton Gallagher
| > | > METROmilwaukee (sm) "A Regional Information Service"
| > | > NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
| > | > URL http://metromilwaukee.com/
| > | > URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > >I currently have a mailto: hyperlink within my ASP DRW Page to request for
| > | > > more information.
| > | > >
| > | > > I want to be able to populate the Subject Header of the email with one of
| > | > > the already existing DRW field values coming in from my access database.
| > | > >
| > | > > Please could somebody advise me of this.
| > | > >
| > | > > Thanks
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

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