Adam Harding
I have read loads of other posts about this subject but as i am new to
programming i can't quite understand HOW it relates to my problem.
I am not running .NET, IIS, or any other helpful stuff as I am not working
in the IT Department.
I am looking to poulate a hidden field on the form with the username for my
originator on the orginator view. When a new person accesses the form it
checks to see if their username is identical to the originators, if so then
they get the originator form, if not they get the Authorisation View as their
Can anyone offer any ideas. I am sure it is written here somewhere, but
there are so many suggestions i don't know where to start.
programming i can't quite understand HOW it relates to my problem.
I am not running .NET, IIS, or any other helpful stuff as I am not working
in the IT Department.
I am looking to poulate a hidden field on the form with the username for my
originator on the orginator view. When a new person accesses the form it
checks to see if their username is identical to the originators, if so then
they get the originator form, if not they get the Authorisation View as their
Can anyone offer any ideas. I am sure it is written here somewhere, but
there are so many suggestions i don't know where to start.