populating fields/controls with sql data



I am successful in reading a sql table and now I need to
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with the
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it works:
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from the
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the table
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database table?


Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first attemp at
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let me know
when sertain functions were performed. For some
explained reason debug does not work. That is another
day. I did find a thread pertaining to that back on
Mar30 and will address that soon.
Thanks again.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data Source=CRE03"
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange(byVal Name)
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.

' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr(39)
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database table?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

I am successful in reading a sql table and now I need to
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with the
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it works:
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from the
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the table
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Did you Dim cnNorthwind in the declarations section (i.e. the top before any
procedures)? If not, your attempt to use that connection anywhere other than
in Item_Open will fail because the object has gone out of scope.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Dale said:
Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first attemp at
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let me know
when sertain functions were performed. For some
explained reason debug does not work. That is another
day. I did find a thread pertaining to that back on
Mar30 and will address that soon.
Thanks again.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data Source=CRE03"
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange(byVal Name)
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.

' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr(39)
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database table?

I am successful in reading a sql table and now I need to
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with the
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it works:
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from the
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the table
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.



-----Original Message-----
Did you Dim cnNorthwind in the declarations section (i.e. the top before any
procedures)? If not, your attempt to use that connection anywhere other than
in Item_Open will fail because the object has gone out of scope.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first attemp at
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let me know
when sertain functions were performed. For some
explained reason debug does not work. That is another
day. I did find a thread pertaining to that back on
Mar30 and will address that soon.
Thanks again.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data Source=CRE03"
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'****************************************************** ***
'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange(byVal Name)
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.
'****************************************************** ***

' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr (39)
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database
I am successful in reading a sql table and now I
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with the
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it works:
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from the
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the table
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.


Yes I did. I had to double check. I am providing the
entire script for you to review if need be. Thanks again
for your help.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Yes I did. I had to double check. I am providing the
entire script for you to review if need be. Thanks again
for your help.

I don't see any script beyond what you posted earlier. You might want to
test whether each object variation is not set to Nothing .

Having read the script below 3 times, I'm now confused about just which
statements are not working. Can you clarify that, please?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

dale said:
-----Original Message-----
Did you Dim cnNorthwind in the declarations section (i.e. the top before any
procedures)? If not, your attempt to use that connection anywhere other than
in Item_Open will fail because the object has gone out of scope.

Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first attemp at
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let me know
when sertain functions were performed.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data Source=CRE03"
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'****************************************************** ***
'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange(byVal Name)
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.
'****************************************************** ***

' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr (39)
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database
I am successful in reading a sql table and now I need
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with the
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from the
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.



I am not getting the data base fields into my customer
fields. The following statement is true but yet the
database field ShipToCustNm does not load into the custom
field CustomerName. Here are the statements where I am
having trouble. Thanks again

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
-----Original Message-----
entire script for you to review if need be. Thanks again
for your help.

I don't see any script beyond what you posted earlier. You might want to
test whether each object variation is not set to Nothing .

Having read the script below 3 times, I'm now confused about just which
statements are not working. Can you clarify that, please?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

-----Original Message-----
Did you Dim cnNorthwind in the declarations section (i.e. the top before any
procedures)? If not, your attempt to use that
anywhere other than
in Item_Open will fail because the object has gone out of scope.

Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let me know
when sertain functions were performed.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data Source=CRE03"
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange(byVal Name)
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.

' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr (39)
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database table?

I am successful in reading a sql table and now I need
populate the fields/controls on a custom form
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.



Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

As I've already said, Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") is the correct
syntax. Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] is not correct.

You need to replace Where you have ord.fieldname with rstOrd.fieldname,
since rstOrd is the Recordset variable that you are working with. You use
the actual table name "ord" only in the SQL statement to return the
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

I am not getting the data base fields into my customer
fields. The following statement is true but yet the
database field ShipToCustNm does not load into the custom
field CustomerName. Here are the statements where I am
having trouble. Thanks again

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
-----Original Message-----
Yes I did. I had to double check. I am providing the
entire script for you to review if need be. Thanks again
for your help.

I don't see any script beyond what you posted earlier. You might want to
test whether each object variation is not set to Nothing .

Having read the script below 3 times, I'm now confused about just which
statements are not working. Can you clarify that, please?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

-----Original Message-----
Did you Dim cnNorthwind in the declarations section
(i.e. the top before any
procedures)? If not, your attempt to use that connection
anywhere other than
in Item_Open will fail because the object has gone out
of scope.
Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first attemp
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let me know
when sertain functions were performed.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange(byVal
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.


' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database

I am successful in reading a sql table and now I
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like this it
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet using the
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.




Thank you. My ignorance shows through. I appreciate
your help
-----Original Message-----
As I've already said, Item.UserProperties
("CustomerName") is the correct
syntax. Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] is not correct.

You need to replace Where you have ord.fieldname with rstOrd.fieldname,
since rstOrd is the Recordset variable that you are working with. You use
the actual table name "ord" only in the SQL statement to return the
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

I am not getting the data base fields into my customer
fields. The following statement is true but yet the
database field ShipToCustNm does not load into the custom
field CustomerName. Here are the statements where I am
having trouble. Thanks again

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
-----Original Message-----
Yes I did. I had to double check. I am providing the
entire script for you to review if need be. Thanks again
for your help.

I don't see any script beyond what you posted earlier. You might want to
test whether each object variation is not set to Nothing .

Having read the script below 3 times, I'm now confused about just which
statements are not working. Can you clarify that, please?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

-----Original Message-----
Did you Dim cnNorthwind in the declarations section
(i.e. the top before any
procedures)? If not, your attempt to use that connection
anywhere other than
in Item_Open will fail because the object has gone out
of scope.

Sorry for the sloppyness, but this is my first attemp
this type of programming. I used msgBox to let
when sertain functions were performed.

Function Item_Open()

Set cnNorthwind = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
MsgBox "1a"

= "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TransactionLayer;Data
MsgBox "#1b"

' Open connection
MsgBox "#1c"

Set cmNorthwind = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MsgBox "#1c1"
'Set command connection
cmNorthwind.ActiveConnection = cnNorthwind
MsgBox "#1d"

End Function

'* Procedure: Item_CustomPropertyChange (byVal
'* Description: You use a custom property change
event to respond to a change
'* in order. You can't use the
control's intrinsic events. These events
'* currently do not fire in the
VBScript of an Outlook form.


' This is good code

Sub Item_CustomPropertyChange(ByVal Name)

Select Case Name
Case "OrderNo"

MsgBox "Property Change to Order"

' Set values
Call cmdSetoutValues
End Select

End Sub

Sub cmdSetoutValues()

'This is good code
MsgBox "Begin data change"

Set rstOrd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = 666926"
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ord WHERE OrdNum = " '& Chr
& OrderNo & Chr(39)

MsgBox "SQL Order"

rstOrd.Open "ord", cnNorthwind
MsgBox "Select" & strSQL
MsgBox "My Set State is = " & adStateOpen
MsgBox "My File State is = " & rstOrd.State

With rstOrd
MsgBox "Record moved"

If .State = adStateOpen Then
MsgBox "Begin Data population"
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState") = "OFallon"
'Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm
MsgBox "Data population #1"

Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

MsgBox "variables Customer is " & CustomerName
MsgBox "variables City is " & CityState
MsgBox "Name & City to be Changed"
MsgBox "Name & City Changed"
MsgBox "rstOrdstate did not work "
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") =
Item.UserProperties("CityState") =
Item.UserProperties("pono") = ord.PONum
Item.UserProperties("CUSTOMER") =

' Item.UserProperties("CustomerName")
= "Namedidnotwork"
' Item.UserProperties("CityState")
= "Citydidnotwork"
End If
End With

End Sub

-----Original Message-----
The syntax for the Outlook side is always the same:

What code are you using to connect to the database

"Dale" <[email protected]>
I am successful in reading a sql table and now I
populate the fields/controls on a custom form with
name,address info from the data file/table.
How do I do this? When putting it out like
Item.UserProperties("CustomerName") = "Dale".
However when putting it out with a field name from
table I get nothing. Here is the snippet
field name:
Item.UserProperties[CustomerName] = ShipToCustNm

Thanks again in advance.
You have been great through this.




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