Populating Last Saved Date in Cell AND also update that same cell in Header



Hello all . . .Am new to the VB part of Excel, but here is my question
as well as my code. I'm looking for some of you Gurus (MVP's) to please
correct it for me, if possible.
I would like to populate a cell in my Excel 2000 worksheet (cell
Q119) with the last saved date, but I don't want the cell to change if
the worksheet was just opened but NOT Saved! I also want to
incorporate this same cell (Q119) into the header. The reason for the
header is because this worksheet is printed and posted on an employee
bulletin board for those employees that don't have access to the
spreadsheet on a PC. The header must print on every page, letting the
employees know how current the posted (printed) version is.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As
Range("Q119").Value = Now()
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.CenterHeader = ActiveSheet.Range("Q119").Value
.RightHeader = "&8Page &P & of &N"
End With
End Sub

One other item I would like to add to the Header would be the
Operator/User that did make the last save, again if possible. I do not
have that in the above code because I haven't figured out that part as
of yet.

Thanx to all for any help that may be provided.

Jim Buege

Barb Reinhardt

I can help you with filling in the last saved date in the footer.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = ""
.CenterHeader = _
"&""Arial,Bold""&12 YourHeaderInfoHere "
.RightHeader = ""
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = "" & Chr(10) & "&P of &N"
.RightFooter = _
"Last date saved: " &
Format(ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("last save time").Value,
End With
End Sub


Thanx Barb . . .
I changed my code to match yours (with some minor cosmetic mods)
BUT now my problem is that even if the sheet is just viewed (and/or
printed) and NOT Saved, the "last saved time" is listing current
date in the header, (not the last date the worksheet was actually
saved). (The last time I saved the worksheet was 6/30/06 but the header
when I viewed and printed page one shows 7/04/06) Just a
thought, but, when I change the VBA code and save just the code, does
this also save (and change the date) for the workbook as well?

I'm sure there's some simple one-liner that needs to be added to
the code, but I'm the wrong person to know the answer, hence my reason
for my posts here.

Thanx again Barb and to anyone else that can help me!


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