populating sheet with data from other sheets


G. Beard

Email: (e-mail address removed)
TOTALS: 38 Sets in Progress 16,764 7,908 8,856 47.2%
Priority Year Set Info Set Total Have Need % Complete Updated
LOW 1952 TOPPS 407 0 407 0.0%
LOW 1953 TOPPS 274 0 274 0.0%
LOW 1954 TOPPS 250 0 250 0.0%
LOW 1955 TOPPS 206 0 206 0.0%
LOW 1956 TOPPS 340 0 340 0.0%
LOW 1957 TOPPS 407 1 406 0.2%
LOW 1958 TOPPS 494 2 492 0.4%
LOW 1959 TOPPS 572 33 539 5.8%
LOW 1960 TOPPS 572 10 562 1.7% SCROLL DOWN!
LOW 1961 TOPPS 587 3 584 0.5%
LOW 1962 TOPPS 598 0 598 0.0%
LOW 1963 TOPPS 576 1 575 0.2%
LOW 1964 TOPPS 587 80 507 13.6%
LOW 1965 TOPPS 598 19 579 3.2%
LOW 1966 TOPPS 598 284 314 47.5%
LOW 1967 TOPPS 609 35 574 5.7%
LOW 1968 TOPPS 598 25 573 4.2%
MEDIUM 1969 TOPPS 664 546 118 82.2%
MEDIUM 1970 TOPPS 720 610 110 84.7%
MEDIUM 1971 TOPPS 752 598 154 79.5%
LOW 1972 TOPPS 787 513 274 65.2%
MEDIUM 1973 TOPPS 660 520 140 78.8%
MEDIUM 1974 TOPPS 660 556 104 84.2%
HIGH 1975 TOPPS 660 607 53 92.0%
HIGH 1976 TOPPS 660 613 47 92.9%

HIGH 1997 TOPPS 495 494 1 99.8%
HIGH 1998 TOPPS 503 499 4 99.2%

HIGH 2000 TOPPS 478 476 2 99.6%

HIGH 2003 TOPPS 720 716 4 99.4%
HIGH 2004 TOPPS 732 667 65 91.1%

0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%


The data on this sheet comes from sheet2 in this workbook. The blank
rows are from sheet2rows whose column h equals 1.
I need to omit the blank rows on this sheet by having the formula pull
data from the next row if column h equals 1. The rrowsrows
rows that contain all zero's at the bottom of this sheet are from
empty rows on sheet2. I need those rows to be populated with
from sheet3.
All subsequent sheets are in the same format as this sheet except
sheet2 and on do not have rows 1 and 2 from this sheet.
Each sheet has data from different manufacturers. So, I want this
sheet populated from top to bottom with data from sheet2
sheet1 thru sheet10.


Any help is greatly appreciated,

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