I am trying to populate fields in a table labeled Proc1 to Proc10. These
contain long integer values and the source can contain from 1 to 10
elements. The code to fill the array works fine.
I do not want 0 in the field. When I try the following it runs without
errors, but the fields are not filled. Any ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Private Sub OpNote_Click()
Dim R As Recordset, prcId(10) As Long, InitI As Integer, rc As Integer,
i As Integer
Set R = Me.EntryProcedureBAPSSub.Form.RecordsetClone
If R.RecordCount = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
rc = R.RecordCount
'Populate recordset to store procedure IDs. prcId is an array with 10
For InitI = 0 To rc - 1
prcId(InitI) = R.[ProcedureID]
Next InitI
'Build procedure code variables and fill table.
Dim MyField As String
Dim rs As Recordset, dbs As Database
'Save data to PatientOpNote table
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("PatientOpNote")
With rs
.[PatientID] = Me.PatientID
.[EpisodeID] = Me.EpisodeID
.[OpDate] = Me.ProcedureDate
For i = 1 To rc
MyField = ".[Proc" & i & "]"
Debug.Print "Field = " & MyField
MyField = prcId(i - 1)
Next i
End With
The Immediate window displays:
Field = .[Proc1]
Field = .[Proc2]
Field = .[Proc3]
Field = .[Proc4]
If I use:
..[Proc1] = prcId(0)
then the filed is filled correctly.
I am trying to populate fields in a table labeled Proc1 to Proc10. These
contain long integer values and the source can contain from 1 to 10
elements. The code to fill the array works fine.
I do not want 0 in the field. When I try the following it runs without
errors, but the fields are not filled. Any ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Private Sub OpNote_Click()
Dim R As Recordset, prcId(10) As Long, InitI As Integer, rc As Integer,
i As Integer
Set R = Me.EntryProcedureBAPSSub.Form.RecordsetClone
If R.RecordCount = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
rc = R.RecordCount
'Populate recordset to store procedure IDs. prcId is an array with 10
For InitI = 0 To rc - 1
prcId(InitI) = R.[ProcedureID]
Next InitI
'Build procedure code variables and fill table.
Dim MyField As String
Dim rs As Recordset, dbs As Database
'Save data to PatientOpNote table
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("PatientOpNote")
With rs
.[PatientID] = Me.PatientID
.[EpisodeID] = Me.EpisodeID
.[OpDate] = Me.ProcedureDate
For i = 1 To rc
MyField = ".[Proc" & i & "]"
Debug.Print "Field = " & MyField
MyField = prcId(i - 1)
Next i
End With
The Immediate window displays:
Field = .[Proc1]
Field = .[Proc2]
Field = .[Proc3]
Field = .[Proc4]
If I use:
..[Proc1] = prcId(0)
then the filed is filled correctly.