Please forgive my nescience.
I am trying to now populate a value into a textbox based on th
selection of Listboxes (thanks Tom and Bob!). With this value I wil
then do math, but that is the easy part. I cannot get the value t
populate into the textbox "tbGrossFreight". Any help would b
appreciated. My current code is below.
Sub GrossFreight()
Dim Row As Integer
Set testWholesaler = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lookup on brewery no
For Row = 1 To TopicCount
If testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 3) = cbWholesaler.Value Then
If cbBrewery.Value = testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 7) Then
tbGrossFreight.Value = testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 13)
End If
End If
Next Row
End Su
I am trying to now populate a value into a textbox based on th
selection of Listboxes (thanks Tom and Bob!). With this value I wil
then do math, but that is the easy part. I cannot get the value t
populate into the textbox "tbGrossFreight". Any help would b
appreciated. My current code is below.
Sub GrossFreight()
Dim Row As Integer
Set testWholesaler = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lookup on brewery no
For Row = 1 To TopicCount
If testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 3) = cbWholesaler.Value Then
If cbBrewery.Value = testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 7) Then
tbGrossFreight.Value = testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 13)
End If
End If
Next Row
End Su