Populating TextBox Value--using ListBox



Please forgive my nescience.

I am trying to now populate a value into a textbox based on th
selection of Listboxes (thanks Tom and Bob!). With this value I wil
then do math, but that is the easy part. I cannot get the value t
populate into the textbox "tbGrossFreight". Any help would b
appreciated. My current code is below.

Sub GrossFreight()
Dim Row As Integer
Set testWholesaler = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lookup on brewery no

For Row = 1 To TopicCount
If testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 3) = cbWholesaler.Value Then
If cbBrewery.Value = testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 7) Then
tbGrossFreight.Value = testWholesaler.Cells(Row, 13)
End If
End If
Next Row

End Su

Tom Ogilvy

Your code should work and the textbox should be populated if the two
screening conditions are met.

If it isn't working I suspect no row passes both tests.

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