popup calendar prevent my validation rule

  • Thread starter FlyingDragon via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

FlyingDragon via AccessMonster.com

hi all
i have a form with some textboxes to enter dates
every textbox has a button which popup a calendar when doubleclick on the
the textbox get its date
my problem is that calendar prevent all validation rule in this boxes
even my afterupdate codein in textboxes has gone
i hope i find some help
(sorry for my english)

FlyingDragon via AccessMonster.com

FlyingDragon said:
hi all
i have a form with some textboxes to enter dates
every textbox has a button which popup a calendar when doubleclick on the
the textbox get its date
my problem is that calendar prevent all validation rule in this boxes
even my afterupdate codein in textboxes has gone
i hope i find some help
(sorry for my english)
important note
i get the calendar frome the site here



Linq Adams via AccessMonster.com

When you use the calendar to place a date in the textbox, the BeforeUpdate
and AfterUpdate events of the textbox don't fire. They'll only fire if data
is physically entered into the textbox, by typing it in or by pasting it in.
When data is entered by code, you have to then Call the sub for it to work.

FlyingDragon via AccessMonster.com

Linq said:
When you use the calendar to place a date in the textbox, the BeforeUpdate
and AfterUpdate events of the textbox don't fire. They'll only fire if data
is physically entered into the textbox, by typing it in or by pasting it in.
When data is entered by code, you have to then Call the sub for it to work.
( you have to then Call the sub for it to work. )
so what can i do to solve these
the calendar is too important in my case

Arvin Meyer MVP

Yes, you are correct. I use the LostFocus event, not the AfterUpdate event.
Good catch Linq.

Arvin Meyer MVP

Use the LostFocus event which fires when you move off the control (the same
as AfterUpdate). Sorry, I missed AfterUpdate in your original message.

FlyingDragon via AccessMonster.com

Arvin said:
Use the LostFocus event which fires when you move off the control (the same
as AfterUpdate). Sorry, I missed AfterUpdate in your original message.[quoted text clipped - 7 lines]
so what can i do to solve these
the calendar is too important in my case

many many thanks
works great

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