Hi ,
The "Missing Font" dialog that you see in new updated version, on launching
PPT is a "warning" that some of the required fonts are missing.
If you want to continue without them you can check the "don't show me this
again checkbox " on the dialog and you will not see it again .
There are 7 "required" fonts for PPT. They happen to be the default fonts
across all our languages for notes, slides and outlines.
For PowerPoint, they are (some will not show up in English in the dialog or
PPT's font drop down):
MS PGothic
Lucida Grande
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3 [the filename for this isn't in English but it
ships w/Mac OS]
We're just popping up this dialog to inform the user that they're missing.
If they're missing, it could cause bad behavior as described below.
If you disable/remove any of them and are only dealing w/files that have
Roman text, you're probably ok.
Background info:
If you open a presentation containing some font (call it foo) and your
system doesn't have foo, the some other font will get substituted. If that
font foo was an Asian font and you have a suitable Asian font on your
system, it'll get substituted to that (let's call that bar). If you re-save
the file, the font of that Asian text will get changed to bar, which to most
is probably ok behavior.
However, if you have no Asian fonts and nothing w/the right glyphs, all bets
are off. It could get substituted to say Arial or Lucida Grande which
doesn't have those glyphs. If you re-save, that Asian text is now in say
Arial, which could render as "trash" or some invalid character.