Portfolio Analyzer Availability Total


Paul Linscott

When I drop the Availability Total field and Resource dimension in Portfolio
Analyzer from the Field list dialog box to the Data field drop area, project
shows the total availability for each resource. Can some one tell me how
project calculates the availability amount? Which fields, data, project info
does project use to calculate this amount?



Brian K - Project MVP

Paul said:
When I drop the Availability Total field and Resource dimension in
Portfolio Analyzer from the Field list dialog box to the Data field
drop area, project shows the total availability for each resource.
Can some one tell me how project calculates the availability amount?
Which fields, data, project info does project use to calculate this



It is the number of hours in their calendar for a time period that is
working time.

Sara - EPM

Hi Paul,

Availability is calculated based on your calendar for the project/resource.
If your resources are using the project calendar, then availability is the

The calculation is based on your working hours for a given range. Say your
date range is Monday, April 25-Sunday, May 1 and your working calendar is
8hrs/day, nonworking Sat and Sunday. Your total availability for that range
would show 40 hours. Remember to subtract all nonworking time from your
working calendar...holidays and such.

I hope this helps.


Paul Linscott

Hi Sara,

I'm getting closer to understanding. The resources are using the standard
calendar and a 24X7 calendar for equipment resources.
The Portfolio Analyzer field Availability does not have a date range, nor
does the resource dimension. Does project use the start date of the earliest
project, the finish date of the latest project, resource calendar, non
working time etc.? If not, which range is used?



Reid McTaggart

If you drop the Time element into your PA view, then you'll see time-phased
availability data. Otherwise the time period covered by the data depends on
the range that was specified for the Cube in the Admin settings. There are a
virtually unlimited number of possible settings for the range.


I am using the 2007 version and do not see the field "Availability" in the
"MSP_Portfolio_Analyzer" cube.
Could anyone give me a clue on what I am missing?
Best Regards,

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