Portfolio Analyzer - Group resource Field



I'm using MsPServer 2003 and I can't insert in my Portfolio Analyzer the
"Group" field of my resources. I simply doesn't appear in the Field List.

Any idea how to go around this? I really need this field.



Jackson T. Cole

If you mean the default "Group" that comes with MS Project, that will, I
believe, require an addition to the OLAP cube definition. Not a trivial, nor
unheardof procedure. Several of the Project Server reference book around
document it. It is a .Net operation, I think.

If you define an Enterprise Resource code field, and built the lookup
table to meets your needs, then it will automatically show up in the cube.
All Enterprise Project and Resource codes are in the cube.

Hope this helps,



Thank you JTC,
I really whanted to use the "group" resource field. I know that using an
Enterprise Resource Field the problem is solved. I think I'll go that way,
rather than going the ".Net programmer" way. I'll allso try to go around it
with my RBS and some enterprise fields.

Thank you.


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