Portfolio Anayzer data disappearing


Conrad Santiago

Here's an odd one...

Yesterday, we noticed the Portfolio Analyzer views were showing only partial
data. I reran the Olap Cube manually (we run it nightly) and the full data
was there.

This morning we noticed the views were showing only partial data again. I
forgot to set it to run nightly again, which means the Olap Cube didn't run
last night and the data is still missing!

Any ideas on what could be causing this?

Geoff Vernon

Hi Conrad,
Check the Date Ranges you have set on the "Update resource tables and OLAP
cube" page under Manage enterpise features option.
Could be that your date range options are restricting which data is picked
up by the cube.

Conrad Santiago

Thanks for the suggestion.
The settings haven't changed. They are still set to:

Date range = Use the earliest project start date and the latest project
finish date
Date range for resource availability = Use the following date range...
The next 12 months
The past 4 months

Meanwhile, this morning the OLAP Cube reported this error after attempting
to run last night:
"The cube scheduled to be built on 6/13/2006 at 11:01 PM failed.

(457) This key is already associated with an element of this collection "

Please advise on how to troubleshoot this error. It's affecting our views
daily now.

--Conrad Santiago

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Can you harvest the records from the server application event log and post
them? This would help. Do you see any for specific projects unrelated to the

Conrad Santiago

Just following up on this question...

We weren't able to figure out why the data wasn't showing up in the
Portfolio Analyzer, however, we were able to get it to work again by
rescheduling the OLAP Cube build at a different time. Since then, it has
worked without incident.

We figured there was a system process running at night, such as a backup,
which was causing the data loss in the build.

Thanks all for your input.
--Conrad Santiago

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