Portfolio Server 2006 install.



Hello All,
I'm trying to install PPS 2006 using the install guide that MS
provides, and I run into a problem on Page 16 where it says:

NOTE: If you extracted the files from the previous step into
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot, a directory named 'ProjectPortfolio2006' will
have been automatically created under the 'Default Web Site' node.
The following steps are to direct you if you chose to copy the files on
a different location.

o In the 'Computer Management' console, expand the Project
Portfolio Server 2006 web site, right-click on the
'ProjectPortfolio2006' directory beneath it, and choose

I've got the Project Portfolio Server 2006 web site, but there is no
ProjectPortfolio2006 directory beneath it.Any ideas where I went wrong?
Any help, or clues for the clueless would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Ray


Hi Ray,

I think the doco is wrong. As you'll know you just copy files and register
DLLs so there is no means to create this subdirectory.

You do need it though - without it the system has difficulty right after you
log on it can't find the "account" path ( /1/ in the path

Solution - just create this directory and copy the files there to start with
(or deregister the DLLs, move them and then reregister).



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