Portfolio server was unable to map attributes from project server




I¡¦ve set ¡§Project Server Web Service URL¡¨ on ¡§Project Server
Definition¡¨ page, the URL as follows:


But when I try to map project attributes using ¡§Mapping Template¡¨ page,
the following error will be shown:

¡¥Client found reponse content type of ¡¥text/html; charset=utf-8¡¦, but
expected ¡¥text/xml¡¦, The request failed with the error message:¡K¡¦ (the
error message follows much HTML codes)

And then, I changed the ¡§Project Server Web Service URL¡¨ to


But other error occurred, the message as follows:

¡¥Possible SOAP version mismatch: Envelope namespace
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ was unexpected. Expecting

Is my URL wrong? But I can access the web services using browser.

How to solve this problem? Thanks~

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