Portfolio type report in Access



I have created a report in Access based on the following query.

SELECT RateSheets.*, pmIDCarriers.cName, Areas.arName, pmIDCarriers.pName,
[arname] & [cname] AS Sort
FROM (RateSheets INNER JOIN pmIDCarriers ON RateSheets.rmID =
pmIDCarriers.pmID) INNER JOIN Areas ON RateSheets.rarID = Areas.arID
WHERE (((Areas.arName)<>"mi-w" And (Areas.arName)<>"mi-e" And
(Areas.arName)<>"mi-se" And (Areas.arName)<>"mi-cen") AND
((pmIDCarriers.pName) Not Like "*src*"));

The report was created using the first line of data put in the header
section, with each field turned sideways, so that I could get the grouping to
work. It's kind of hard to explain how it's done without visuals, but there
are basically 20 fields, turned sideways and grouped, then in the body, the
fields are also turned sideways so the header and footer are actually on the
side of the page instead of the bottom.

This works, except I do have a footer that needs to be incorporated into the
report. Unfortunately, it shows up on the side of the report instead of the

My question is, is there a way to export a report into some program and have
the ability to put headers and footers in at the top and bottom of the page?
I thought about Adobe, but I'm not sure it has that ability. It looks good
in PDF, but I have to flip it counterclockwise to make it look right. If I
could export the PDF into something that would allow me to add footers, that
would work too. I'm just at a loss here. There really is no other way to
create this report (that I could find!)

I hope this is enough information for you to help. It's very complicated
and explaining it is even MORE complicated.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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