Porting Docs from Word to Frontpage


Larry B

What is the best way to port a 20 page document with headers & footers from
Word to FrontPage within Office XP ? I need to do this once a month . Cut &
paste gets old. I have attempted to use insert/file, however, I loose the
headers & footers. Are there any help docs available on this topic ?

Thomas A. Rowe

Save the document from Word as HTML and then import, if that looses the
header and footer, then you will need to convert the document to a PDF to
retain the format.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Larry B

Hi Thomas:
I have saved the doc as HTML from Word & imported it via insert file to
FrontPage. All that I get is the body. No headers or footers. Are you
positive that a PDF is required to retain headers & footers ? It feels wrong
to require an Adobe product to interface two Microsoft Office Components.
Thank You,

Thomas A. Rowe

It is not the fact of interfacing the two MS Products, it is the fact that
Word is a word processing application, and FP is a HTML editor, and things
that can be done in Word, are just not supported in HTML.

The best option to retain all formatting and make it available to everyone,
is to convert the document to PDF, or if you want to limited it to only Word
users, then just import the Word document into your web and link to it.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko


To understand better the difference between Word Docs (save as html) and Html "pages" see

In Html your 20 Word "pages" would be 1 page

If your users have MS Word you can just import the .doc file and link to it
If you are concerned about users w/o MS Word then save as the .doc as html and use an Include Page for that file (w/ your own
"header / footer" on that single page - you will lose the MSWord formatting

IMHO Thomas is correct that your best bet is to "print to PDF" if you want it to look just like the original Word doc for all
users - You can find a low cost PDF creator (you don't need the full Adobe one) at say http://www.daneprairie.com/

| It is not the fact of interfacing the two MS Products, it is the fact that
| Word is a word processing application, and FP is a HTML editor, and things
| that can be done in Word, are just not supported in HTML.
| The best option to retain all formatting and make it available to everyone,
| is to convert the document to PDF, or if you want to limited it to only Word
| users, then just import the Word document into your web and link to it.
| --
| ==============================================
| Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
| MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| ==============================================
| To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| | > Hi Thomas:
| > I have saved the doc as HTML from Word & imported it via insert file to
| > FrontPage. All that I get is the body. No headers or footers. Are you
| > positive that a PDF is required to retain headers & footers ? It feels
| wrong
| > to require an Adobe product to interface two Microsoft Office Components.
| > Thank You,
| > Larry
| > | > > Save the document from Word as HTML and then import, if that looses the
| > > header and footer, then you will need to convert the document to a PDF
| to
| > > retain the format.
| > >
| > > --
| > >
| > > ==============================================
| > > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > >
| > > FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
| > > MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| > > ==============================================
| > > To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > >
| > > | > > > What is the best way to port a 20 page document with headers & footers
| > > from
| > > > Word to FrontPage within Office XP ? I need to do this once a month .
| > Cut
| > > &
| > > > paste gets old. I have attempted to use insert/file, however, I loose
| > the
| > > > headers & footers. Are there any help docs available on this topic ?
| > > > Thanks,
| > > > Larry
| > > >
| > > >
| > > >
| > >
| > >
| >
| >

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