Hi Peter, comments below.
Thanks and the information is help. At least I know Access is a possible
database (tools).
Yes, it certainly is possible as long as you know what you are doing. Access does not need to serve
as the front-end for the application, you can simply just use Access (Jet really) tables to hold the
Our business is a supply chain business, not a restaurant
business. I believe the concept is the same.
Yep, very similar I'm sure.
Too bad you're not a restaurant, I would have just the application for you.
What kind of terminal are you using?
I cannot remember what our first terminals were unfortunately. They were all-in-one machines with
the touch screen monitor
and hard drive all integrated together. I like to call these the "all-fail-at-once" machines! If one
thing is wrong then the whole thing is down! Our initial hardware was pretty much junk (speaking
from hindsight).
We have one machine which is an older PAR terminal (not original equipment). We will eventually
replace this, but for now it is fine (but slow). Our server terminal is basically just a regular
desktop tower with Win 2000. Attached to it is a really nice touch screen monitor. I'm not sure what
brand it is, but I will find out Monday when I'm there and post back with the specific information
for you. It is a sweet system! Our older terminal monitors were hard to read in certain light, but
this new one is really sharp and clear.
Does it come with the package? Is it a touch screen terminal with bar code scanner?
As mentioned, the first terminals were all-in-one machines. Our latest server terminal is just a
basic tower box with a nice touch screen monitor. We do not use bar code scanners for
inventory/order entry so I cannot give any information on those. We purchased this latest terminal
from a local company right here in Bend called Sasse Systems:
These guys are GREAT and have gone out of their way to help us with hardware issues. I would
recommend them to anyone. Our Micro$ale software and initial hardware was purchased through a
distributor four years ago.
BTW, I think you are an end user, am I right?
Correct. I'm not affiliated with Micro$ale or Sasse Systems, just a happy customer (especially
Sasse). I do not sell POS systems if that's what you are thinking.