You can't. Sahpes sit ontop of the worksheet and are not in any of the
cells. The only way you can locate a cell and a shape is using the
pixel location. Both shapes and cells have the following properties:
Left, Top, width, height.
The top left corner of the screen is (0,0) coordinate axis with x axis
going positive to the right and y axis (backwards) going positive down.
You can think of the pixels as simple (x,y). The width property is the
x distance and the y distance is the height property.
If you look at the left position of column A and the left position of
column B the distance between the two isw a little larger than the width
of column A because there is a small border around each cell.
Also be aware if you cahnge the width of a column or thge height of the
row the cell will move but a shape will still stay in its original