Positioning AutoShapes in Text


Leonard M. Wapner


My Word doc is 40 pages with some AutoShapes. When I edit the doc by
inserting lines of text, all following text advances, as I would expect.
Unfortunately, some AutoShapes do not advance and things get screwed up. Is
there a setting which locks the AutoShapes in with the text, so that it all
advances together as I make insertions near the beginning of the doc?

Thanks -


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Leonard,

Can't give you an exact menu command sequence without knowing which version of
word is involved. But yes, this is available.

You want to get into the Formatting set of dialog boxes and look for the one
that lets you position the graphical object. There's probably a button
labelled "Advanced", or something like that. What you're looking for are a
couple of checkboxes named "Move with text" and "Lock anchor".

The former makes sure the graphic moves down the page. The latter makes sure
the graphic stays with the paragraph to which it is currently anchored. (A
graphic will always appear on the same page as the anchoring paragraph. If
you're not seeing the anchors, activate the option in Tools/Options/View.)
My Word doc is 40 pages with some AutoShapes. When I edit the doc by
inserting lines of text, all following text advances, as I would expect.
Unfortunately, some AutoShapes do not advance and things get screwed up. Is
there a setting which locks the AutoShapes in with the text, so that it all
advances together as I make insertions near the beginning of the doc?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)

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