Positioning datalabels


Phil Stanton

I have a scatter chart and I want to be able to position the labels
differently for each point ( depending on the space available on the chart)

I know the X & Y co-ordinates of the points in the series.

The chart is 622 point wide and the interior width of the plot area is 422
point wide. I know the height and width of the label

If for example I want to place a particular label exactly over a point, what
is the calculation using the X co-ordinate, widths to give me the
DataLabel.Left value

Thanks for any help



This problem is similar to a macro I run at work all the time. I needed to
drop a line on a chart at a particular X value. I used simple ratios as
expalined below

Suppose your x axis goes from 10 to 100 and you need to find the value of 50

X_Ratio = (50 - 10)/(100 - 10)

Then if the pixel values of the chart goes from 1000 to 2000. You can get
thiese numbers from the .left parameter and the .width parameter of the chart.

X_Pixel = (X_Ratio * (2000 - 1000)) + 1000

Phil Stanton

Sound what I need, thanks

How do I get the pixle values as I thought chart dimensions were in points


Peter T

If for example I want to place a particular label exactly over a point,

I know that's not your real question but if that was, simply
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).DataLabels.Position = xlLabelPositionCenter

But if I follow, your real question is how to get the XY coordinates of your
XY points. Have a go with the following

Create an XY embedded chart with one series, keep it simple let each X:Y
make a straight line starting with X:Y = 0:0, 1:1 etc

Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim cht As Chart
Dim sr As Series
Dim aX As Axis, aY As Axis
Dim x0 As Single, y0 As Single, xP As Single, yP As Single
Dim xf As Double, yf As Double
Dim arrX, arrY

Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
Set aX = cht.Axes(1)
Set aY = cht.Axes(2)

x0 = aY.Left + aY.Width
y0 = aX.Top + aX.Height

yf = y0 - aY.Top
xf = (aX.Left + aX.Width - x0)

xf = (aX.Left + aX.Width - x0) / (aX.MaximumScale)
yf = (y0 - aY.Top) / aY.MaximumScale

Set sr = cht.SeriesCollection(1)
With sr
arrX = .XValues
arrY = .Values
For i = 1 To .Points.Count
xP = x0 + arrX(i) * xf
yP = y0 - arrY(i) * yf
With .DataLabels(i)
.Left = xP
.Top = yP
End With
End With

End Sub

I know yesterday you said you are working with an MS Graph, I think it
should work pretty much the same way but try the above in Excel. First with
a straight line, then your "difficult" data.

The idea is to create your own co-ord system centred in the intersection of
the XY axes, then scale X & Y according to the length to right and above the
intersection. Where a chart does not have either of those axes would use
the plot-area instead.

I'll leave the hard part to you, as to how to work out quite where to place
those labels on a crowded chart. Actually I'd be interested to see!

Almost forgot to say, for some reason data labels don't seem to expose there
width & height properties, hence in this demo top-left label corners are
placed over points (if it works as intended). I imagine you'll be able to
guesstimate sizes depending on text & font, otherwise there's a much more
long winded way to get a good idea of the size.

Peter T

Phil Stanton


will have a look at it later

The annoying thing is I have an Excel program that extracts the data held in
Access and works perfectly ( and quickly). I then show the GIF file that
Excel generates back in the Access form. Trouble is I am a purist and want
to see a chart update dynamically as I change the Access data.

If you would like to see the GIF file generated from Excel I can email it to

Thanks again


Phil Stanton

Thanks for replying

Now even more confused

As far as I know, points atre 1/72 of an inch and pixels are all to do with
screen resolution

This routine, nicked from Stephen Lebans, returns 96 for my screen
resolution (Pixels per inch??????)


Option Explicit

Private Declare Function apiCreateIC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateICA" _
(ByVal lpDriverName As String, ByVal lpDeviceName As String, _
ByVal lpOutput As String, lpInitData As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function apiGetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" _
Alias "GetDeviceCaps" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function apiDeleteDC Lib "gdi32" _
Alias "DeleteDC" (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long

Private Const LOGPIXELSX = 88
Global Const TwipsPerMM = 56.7
Global Const PointsPerMM = 2.83

Dim lngXdpi As Long

Function GetScreenResolution() As Long

Dim lngIC As Long

'Get Screen resolution
lngIC = apiCreateIC("DISPLAY", vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNullString)
'If the call to CreateIC didn't fail, then get the Screen X resolution.
If lngIC <> 0 Then
lngXdpi = apiGetDeviceCaps(lngIC, LOGPIXELSX)
GetScreenResolution = lngXdpi
'Release the information context.
apiDeleteDC (lngIC)
' Something has gone wrong. Assume an average value.
lngXdpi = 120
GetScreenResolution = lngXdpi
End If

End Function

Peter T

Points & pixels are not the same. A Pixel is a dot on a screen, a Point is
1/72 inches (kind of and dates back to early printing days). Their relative
sizes may vary according to system and in particular system font size (eg
normal or large fonts). Typically in most systems with "normal" fonts one
pixel = 0.75 points or rather 96 dpi or 72/96, though a few API calls can
calculate if/as required.

Peter T

Tom Ogilvy

for some reason data labels don't seem to expose there
width & height properties,

That was my thinking/experience,

but the OP said: " I know the height and width of the label"

Peter T

From what you described yesterday about how slow that MS Graph have you
considered automating Excel (from Access), updating your Excel chart then
transferring an image of the chart via the clipboard onto an image control
on your Access display.

Try Stephen Bullen's PastePicture.xls which you'll find zipped on this page

It looks more complicated than it is, it should all work pretty fast for

I don't know VBA in Access, I assume it does not directly expose a Clipboard
object but if it does you are in luck, you'd only need two lines of code
instead of the main module from PastePicture.

Peter T

PS, since my last post I now realise there are other ways to get those label
sizes simply by moving to various preset positions around their respective
points - perhaps you get what I'm thinking of.

Peter T

Hello again Tom !
but the OP said: " I know the height and width of the label"

So he did, I wonder how

One way I had in mind was placing the text into an autosize textbox with
same font and with no internal margins, generally works well.

Another way would be to position labels left & right, top & bottom, trapping
their left & top coord's in each position.
eg, .Position = xlLabelPositionLeft
Would learn just about all you need to know about label size as well as the
Point position. A bit of a kludge though.

Peter T

Tom Ogilvy

I think when I was facing that for pie charts, I used an average character
width and threw in a fudge factor. Guess it depends on how accurate one
wants to be.

Phil Stanton

Get the height & width of a label by trying to move it as far to the right
and bottom of a chart as it will go (over the edge)

My bit of code is

' Move labels over the edge to the bottom right of the chart.
' This fails, so the new top gives the label height and the new left
gives the label width
ChtLabel.Top = ChtHeight
ChtLabel.Left = ChtWidth

LabelHeight = ChtHeight - ChtLabel.Top
LabelWidth = ChtWidth - ChtLabel.Left

where ChtLabel is the DataLabel and ChtHeight is Chart.Height etc

Hope this is correct


Phil Stanton

Hi Peter

Thanks for code it works just fine, but is I resize the chart the label
positions go wrong.

Think I will abandon the project and just have to live with the Excel

Many thanks for your help thoug


Peter T

Afraid the code I posted was incomplete to say the least, although would be
OK with a typical Scatter chart with no values to below or to left of the
respective axes.

For my own interest I did a bit more to cater for the above and other
alignment/order options for axes, and also for non scatter charts, ie with
labels rather than X values. FWIW it seems reasonably reliable to work out
point coordinates on a chart.

Peter T

Phil Stanton

Hi Peter

would be interested to see your revised code.

It is still bugging me that it is quicker to call Excel from Access, output
11 charts and link them back to my Access form than it is to create one
chart in Access.



Peter T

Hi Phil,
It is still bugging me that it is quicker to call Excel from Access, output
11 charts and link them back to my Access form than it is to create one
chart in Access.

So why not work with Excel, don't know if you can embed an Excel object,
otherwise automate and use the copyPicture approach to maintain chart image
where you need it in Access.
would be interested to see your revised code.

I wonder if you will be after seeing it!

Create an XY scatter or ordinary Line type, play with all the various Axis
options in the Scale tab (X-axis options are different in Scatter vs
non-Scatter), include both +ve & -ve X & Y values

Option Explicit

Sub testGetPointCoords()
Dim i As Long
Dim cht As Chart
Dim arrPoints(), arrColours()
Dim x As Long

Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart

If GetPointCoords(cht, arrPoints) = 0 Then ', 1

' cht.Lines.Delete

x = 24 ' 16 or 24 if automatic colours

For i = LBound(arrPoints) To UBound(arrPoints)
ArrowsToPoints cht, arrPoints(i), srIdx:=i, clrIdx:=x + i
End If
End Sub

Function GetPointCoords(cht As Chart, vPointCoords(), _
Optional nFrom As Long, Optional nTo As Long) As Long
' vPointCoords returns as an array of arrays of XY coords
' nFrom & nTo the series to process
' (if nFrom = 0 get point coords in all series)

' Handles XY scatter and normal Line types on primary axes
' (both X & Y primary axes must exist)
' also handles single 1D column type but
' more to do to cater for multiple columns on the X between labels
' at present all Y's will be right but all X's on or in middle of labels)

Dim bXbetweenCats As Boolean
Dim bCatLabels As Boolean
Dim i As Long, srIdx As Long
Dim nRevX As Long, nRevY As Long ' ReversePlotOrder 1 or -1

Dim axMax As Double, axMin As Double
Dim aX_MaxMin As Double, aY_MaxMin As Double

Dim x0 As Double, y0 As Double ' our co-ord base
Dim xf As Double, yf As Double ' scale factors
Dim xP As Single, yP As Single ' point co-ord

Dim halfCat As Double ' 0 or 0.5
Dim arrX, arrY

Dim sr As Series
Dim aX As Axis, aY As Axis

Dim bDebug As Boolean
bDebug = True

On Error GoTo errH

Set aX = cht.Axes(1)
Set aY = cht.Axes(2)

x0 = aX.Left
y0 = aY.Top + aY.Height

If aX.ReversePlotOrder Then nRevX = -1 Else nRevX = 1
If aY.ReversePlotOrder Then nRevY = -1 Else nRevY = 1

On Error Resume Next

bXbetweenCats = aX.AxisBetweenCategories

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' must be a scatter (is the definate ?)
On Error GoTo errH
axMax = aX.MaximumScale
axMin = aX.MinimumScale
aX_MaxMin = IIf(nRevX = 1, aX.MaximumScale, aX.MinimumScale)

bCatLabels = True ' not a scatter

axMax = UBound(aX.CategoryNames) - 1
If bXbetweenCats Then
axMax = axMax + 1
halfCat = 0.5 * nRevX
End If

End If

On Error GoTo errH

aX_MaxMin = IIf(nRevX = -1, axMax, axMin)
aY_MaxMin = IIf(nRevY = -1, aY.MaximumScale, aY.MinimumScale)

'scale factor Y
xf = aX.Width / (axMax - axMin)

'scale factor Y
yf = aY.Height / (aY.MaximumScale - aY.MinimumScale)

If bCatLabels Then
' maybe re-adjust aX_MaxMin for the calc in the loop
If nRevX = 1 Then
aX_MaxMin = 1
ElseIf Not bXbetweenCats Then ' And nRevX = -1
aX_MaxMin = aX_MaxMin + 1
End If
End If

If nFrom = 0 Then
nFrom = 1: nTo = cht.SeriesCollection.Count
ElseIf nTo = 0 Then
nTo = nFrom
End If

ReDim vPointCoords(nFrom To nTo)

For srIdx = nFrom To nTo
Set sr = cht.SeriesCollection(srIdx)

With sr
ReDim arrXYcoord(0 To 1, 1 To .Points.Count) As Single
arrX = .XValues
arrY = .Values

If UBound(arrX) < UBound(arrY) Then
Err.Raise 20200, , "Fewer X points than Y points"
End If

For i = 1 To .Points.Count

If bCatLabels Then arrX(i) = i

xP = x0 + (arrX(i) - aX_MaxMin + halfCat) * xf * nRevX
yP = y0 - (arrY(i) - aY_MaxMin) * yf * nRevY

arrXYcoord(0, i) = xP
arrXYcoord(1, i) = yP


End With

vPointCoords(srIdx) = arrXYcoord


Exit Function

If bDebug Then
If MsgBox(Err.Description & vbCr & "Stop & Resume ?", vbYesNo) _
= vbYes Then
End If
MsgBox Err.Description
End If

GetPointCoords = Err.Number

End Function

Function ArrowsToPoints(cht As Chart, aXY, srIdx As Long, _
Optional clrIdx As Long)
' down to right arrows over points
Dim sName As String
Dim sh As Shape
Dim i As Long
Const ARROW_HW As Single = 18

For i = 1 To UBound(aXY, 2)
sName = "S" & srIdx & "_P" & i
On Error Resume Next
Set sh = Nothing
Set sh = cht.Shapes(sName)
On Error GoTo 0
If sh Is Nothing Then
Set sh = cht.Shapes.AddLine(aXY(0, i), aXY(1, i), _
aXY(0, i) - ARROW_HW, aXY(1, i) - ARROW_HW)

sh.Line.BeginArrowheadStyle = msoArrowheadTriangle
sh.Line.EndArrowheadLength = msoArrowheadLengthMedium
sh.Line.EndArrowheadWidth = msoArrowheadWidthMedium
sh.Name = sName

With sh
If Abs(.Left - (aXY(0, i) - ARROW_HW)) > 0.25 Then _
.Left = aXY(0, i) - ARROW_HW
If Abs(.Top - (aXY(1, i) - ARROW_HW)) > 0.25 Then _
.Top = (aXY(1, i) - ARROW_HW)
If Abs(.Width - ARROW_HW) > 0.25 Then .Width = ARROW_HW
If Abs(.Height - ARROW_HW) > 0.25 Then .Height = ARROW_HW
If Not .HorizontalFlip = msoTrue Then _
.Flip msoFlipHorizontal
End With
End If

If clrIdx <> 0 Then
With sh.Line.ForeColor
If .SchemeColor <> 7 + clrIdx Then
.SchemeColor = 7 + clrIdx
End If
End With
End If

On Error Resume Next
For i = i To cht.Shapes.Count
Set sh = Nothing
Set sh = cht.Shapes("S" & srIdx & "_P" & i)
If Not sh Is Nothing Then
End If

End Function

In this approach XY coordinates may be a few points adrift. A different
earlier approach was a bit more accurate though more work. Main difference
is the above uses entire width & height of the axes as basis for the scale
factors. The other approach only uses to one side of the axes' intersection
point. I suspect the reason is, for say the X-axis, it's more accurate to
define with Y-Axis.left rather than X-Axis.Left which might not be exactly
where anticipated.

Another problem is not reliable with non-100% zoom. It seems a bit odd and
flakey how internal dimensions are returned.

Peter T

Peter T

Create an XY scatter or ordinary Line type, play with all the various Axis
options in the Scale tab (X-axis options are different in Scatter vs
non-Scatter), include both +ve & -ve X & Y values

Forgot to say, the idea of the demo is to return an array of arrays of point
coordinates (one XY-array per series) then do whatever with the known
coordinates. The demo includes a routine to maintain arrows over points. For
testing I'd go with that, then if OK make your own function to move your
labels (pass a datalables object to a similar routine as ArrowsToPoints).

Not sure the method you described to calculate datalabel sizes, and hence
centres, is quite right as it's not normally possible to place a label
exactly to bottom right of the chart area.

Peter T

Phil Stanton

Thanks Peter

Have had a look, but my Access routine tkes about 1 second per label and
there are 200 labels on 11 charts.

Using Excel with the appropriate links takes about 18 seconds to re-create
and save 11 complete charts. So I am sticking witt My Excel program and
providing I don't change anything on it other than the data, it works well.

Thanks again for all your input


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