Positioning dates on chart


Roger Bedford

I am running an Excel 97 macro which updates charts. All the charts use the
same long macro and change based on one data text input. Most of the charts
have the dates along the bottom of the chart where I want them but a few have
the dates either at the top of the chart or somewhere in between. Could
someone tell me what the key settings are for having dates positioned along
the bottom of the chart? Then I would put a new command at the end of the
macro to ensure that these dates will be properly placed.

Any suggestions would be greatfully appreciated.




Roger Bedford
Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Stephen Bullen

Hi Roger,
I am running an Excel 97 macro which updates charts. All the charts use the
same long macro and change based on one data text input. Most of the charts
have the dates along the bottom of the chart where I want them but a few have
the dates either at the top of the chart or somewhere in between. Could
someone tell me what the key settings are for having dates positioned along
the bottom of the chart? Then I would put a new command at the end of the
macro to ensure that these dates will be properly placed.

To find out which setting you need to change, double-click the Y axis of one of
the charts where the labels are in the wrong place. On the 'Scale' tab, there
are the options to set the X axis to cross at a specific place, or at the
maximum value (at the top), while if you double-click the X axis, on the
'Patterns' tab, there are options for where to put the Tick Mark labels.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Jon Peltier

There is no Axis Crosses at Maximum setting. Such a setting would have
made axis scaling easier.

One trick to make the axis labels stay at the bottom, no matter how the
data changes, is to pick a number which is ridiculously lower than the
minimum you expect. For example, use -99999999 for the X Axis Crosses
At value, or 0.000000001 if it's a logarithmic Y axis scale. The
minimum occurs where the Minimum is set, or sets itself if you allow
autoscaling, without regard for the Crosses At value.

- Jon

Stephen Bullen

Hi Jon,
There is no Axis Crosses at Maximum setting. Such a setting would have
made axis scaling easier.

So if you double-click the Y axis and select the 'Scale' tab, what is the
bottom check box on that tab? On my machine it's "Category (X) axis
crosses at maximum value", which seems to have the effect of plotting the
X axis at the top of the chart instead of the bottom.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Jon Peltier

Doh! MINIMUM. I meant, there's no Axis Crosses At MINIMUM setting.
This would ensure that the axis is always at the bottom.

- Jon

Stephen Bullen

Hi Jon,
Doh! MINIMUM. I meant, there's no Axis Crosses At MINIMUM setting.
This would ensure that the axis is always at the bottom.

Ah! Yes, that would make a difference <g>. On the patterns tab,
though, we can opt to plot the axes labels at the bottom.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel

Jon Peltier

Stephen -

Yes, but the axis itself isn't tied to the bottom, even though the
labels are. That's the distinction.

- Jon

Roger Bedford

Jon and Stephen, many thanks for your ideas. I used Jon's -99999999 for the X
Axis Crosses At value and now they all work perfectly. Neat!


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