Positioning graphics near margins in OneNote



I'm creating some OneNote 2007 stationery templates, and I can't get the
graphics I want to use along the left margin to appear flush against the
margin. Whenever I place the graphic to be flush with the left edge of the
OneNote page, OneNote inserts a bit of space. If I slide the graphic over
that space, OneNote inserts MORE space. The stationery templates that come
with OneNote have many that have graphics flush left (Orange Margin, for
example), so I know it's possible -- but I can't figure out how to position a
graphic so that flush with the left/top of the page.

Any clues??? Thanks!


Grant Robertson

I'm creating some OneNote 2007 stationery templates, and I can't get the
graphics I want to use along the left margin to appear flush against the
margin. Whenever I place the graphic to be flush with the left edge of the
OneNote page, OneNote inserts a bit of space. If I slide the graphic over
that space, OneNote inserts MORE space. The stationery templates that come
with OneNote have many that have graphics flush left (Orange Margin, for
example), so I know it's possible -- but I can't figure out how to position a
graphic so that flush with the left/top of the page.

Any clues??? Thanks!

OneNote is for keeping NOTES. It is not for page layout.



This is not helpful. Look at the Templates in OneNote 2007 (Pull down the
Format>Templates menu) and look at the History Class Notes template. You'll
then see what I'm asking about. I'd like to create a Template (formerly
called Stationery) for notes that has a particular graphic image along that
left side, just as the Histoyr Class NOtes template has the globe bleeding
off the left edge. I just can't get it positioned flush left/top properly,
as OneNote keeps inserting white space between my image and the edge. Clearly
it's possible to do.

Anyone with any insight is still welcome to reply -- thanks!


Grant Robertson

Anyone with any insight is still welcome to reply -- thanks!

I have plenty of insight. I have been using OneNote since it came out and
have been in this newsgroup almost since it started. Every once in a
while we get someone who is trying to use OneNote for something it was
not designed to do. Usually it is some kind of document formatting. Any
attempt at that always turns out to be a lost cause and wasted time on
everyone's part. Many of the templates were designed to be nice to look
at but their formatting doesn't hold up when real people use them in the
real world.

But go ahead, beat your head against a wall all you want. Call me a
bastard if you want. I don't care. I'm trying to save you some time,
believe me, I have wasted enough of my own. The main reason you haven't
gotten any other answers is because others know it is a lost cause but
they just don't have the nerve to tell you so.

BTW, hope this helps...

save you some time.


If you drag the image out of an outline, it becomes a background image that
you can place anywhere on the page.


Try this:

1. Drag your picture onto the page (if it was in an outline)
2. Position it where you want it, flush against the side if you want, don't
worry about the extra page that appears when you hover over the picture to
show its selection handle.
3. Right-click on the picture, set it to background
4. If the extra space is still there, scroll to the right and it should go
away and the scrollbar will disappear. (this should work even if you don't
set it to background)

Hope that helps. And btw, creating custom stationery is definitely a
scenario we care about (or else we wouldn't have made it possible!). You
won't be able to do as many cool layout things as you can with say Word or
Publisher, but the installed stationery should give you an idea of what is
possible. They were all created from OneNote, so anything you see there you
should be able to recreate.

-Alex <MS>

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