positioning of Google search box



I have used the google search box in my current site which is table-based
without problem however, I am giving the site a complete makeover usig CSS to
ease my maintenance workload but I cannot now place the Google search where I
want it (top right of the page, auto-floating to the right if a user has a
high resolution capacity).

I have been able to place everything else and wonder if it is because it is
a form?





CSS has:
#Search_window{position: absolute; right: 10; top: 25; align:right; z-index:

Page has:
<div id="Search_Window">
<FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.com/search">
<TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr>
<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#808080">
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Search">
<input type=hidden name=domains value="www.mysite.co.uk"><br><input
type=radio name=sitesearch value=""> Web <input type=radio name=sitesearch
value="www.mysite.co.uk" checked> www.mysite.co.uk <br>

I don't know if it is the right way but it works for me!

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