Is there any way to position a table consistently at the bottom of the page
margin? This is a table that goes at the bottom of a section, with each
section usually being less than one page, but occasionally extending into a
second page. Because each section's info table has different info in it, I
can't just stick it in the footer. I'd rather not use a text box (which I
know can be positioned at the bottom margin) because that creates new
problems and the table itself has a number of rows and columns. So is there
any other way to position the table? And if so, how easy is it to convert
existing tables to use that method fo positioning? For example, I suspect it
would be a major pain to try to put existing tables into text boxes. I'm
wondering about frames, but not sure how to put a frame around a table
without major surgery. Thanks for the help.
margin? This is a table that goes at the bottom of a section, with each
section usually being less than one page, but occasionally extending into a
second page. Because each section's info table has different info in it, I
can't just stick it in the footer. I'd rather not use a text box (which I
know can be positioned at the bottom margin) because that creates new
problems and the table itself has a number of rows and columns. So is there
any other way to position the table? And if so, how easy is it to convert
existing tables to use that method fo positioning? For example, I suspect it
would be a major pain to try to put existing tables into text boxes. I'm
wondering about frames, but not sure how to put a frame around a table
without major surgery. Thanks for the help.