Possessed Curser jumping in MS Outlook and word 2003 - help?



Possessed Curser in MS Outlook and word 2003.
Curser jumps to a new section of text and starts typing from that point on.
Eg: if I am replying to an email, I hit reply, then I begin typing the new
email reply, as I type the curser will jump to any section of the original
message and start typing from the point on without any action from me. As
was the case when I type this request for assistants, the curser simply jumps
back a number of characters, moves up or down one or two lines as I type, for
no reason, almost like someone is pushing the tab key only not as uniform,
the curser can end up anywhere on a page of text, this happens in both MS
outlook or word 2003 which I use as my default word processor. Can anyone
help me?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Is this a laptop? With a touchpad? Could you be brushing it inadvertently?
You may need to change the sensitivity.


No Suzanne, I don't touch the keypad, my typing is two finger and therefore
no contact with the pad. I will be typing and suddenly you look up at the
screen to check the writing and you find you have just typed over a section
of the initial message or it skipped 10 - 15 characters back over what you
have just typed... It’s a very strange occurrence and I’m surprised no one
else has the same problem.


Thanks Suzanne, I will check to see if there is anything else that I have
operating nearby which maybe causing the interference. Thanks again, regards,

George Br

George, I have the same problem and have been trying to find a solution.
What did you finally do to resolve the problem? Thanks. Another George

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