Possible bug using Clng or iif function


roy fisher

I've linked in a table (in A97) into a 2K Access database.
This table contains a text field that I need as a long.

Simple enough, I thought, and created an expression in a
query using clng. First problem was that some records were
blank in that field so I got errors. I then changed the
expression to
iif(isnull([op number]),0,clng([op number])

and this seemed to work just fine with the values aligned
to the right hand side of the cell as numeric values do.

The trouble is that when I put in an expression in the
criteria cell such as >10 or even 10 and run the query I
get the values displayed correctly for a second or two
until it errors out with the message
Data Type mismatch in criteria expression

This can't be the case as the query builder accepts the
values as a long in the SQL WHERE but doesn't when the
query runs.

I've had a look on the web but haven't found any help as
yet. One thing my Access is on SR-1 but as I have to rely
on an IT dept to upgrade to SR-2 I need to convince them
first. Can anyone help?


Roy Fisher

Dale Fye

my guess is that you have an entry that contains an empty string "",
which clng will not convert either.

TRY: iif(LEN(TRIM([op number]) & "") = 0, 0, clng([op number]))


Dale Fye

I've linked in a table (in A97) into a 2K Access database.
This table contains a text field that I need as a long.

Simple enough, I thought, and created an expression in a
query using clng. First problem was that some records were
blank in that field so I got errors. I then changed the
expression to
iif(isnull([op number]),0,clng([op number])

and this seemed to work just fine with the values aligned
to the right hand side of the cell as numeric values do.

The trouble is that when I put in an expression in the
criteria cell such as >10 or even 10 and run the query I
get the values displayed correctly for a second or two
until it errors out with the message
Data Type mismatch in criteria expression

This can't be the case as the query builder accepts the
values as a long in the SQL WHERE but doesn't when the
query runs.

I've had a look on the web but haven't found any help as
yet. One thing my Access is on SR-1 but as I have to rely
on an IT dept to upgrade to SR-2 I need to convince them
first. Can anyone help?


Roy Fisher

John Spencer (MVP)

You might also try using the IsNumeric function. That will handle nulls, empty
strings, and strings with non-numeric characters (for instance, where someone
typed an OH vice a ZERO).


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