Possible interest to those unfamiliar with Power Point


James Silverton

Hello All!

I'm sure it's common knowledge among Power Point experts but I'm not
one. Others might be interested in this. I have a friend who sends
family pictures as Power Point presentations and I wanted to save and
send a couple of the frames (slides or whatever) to my daughter. Sending
the whole Power Point is impractical, IMO. Apparently the technique is
as follows:

Open picture in Power Point> Right click on picture > Save as picture
The default is Jpeg and the size is usually fine for email.


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

Email, with obvious alterations:

Lucy Thomson

Hi James

You can also do a save as -> jpg which will save all of the slides as jpegs
(or just the one you have selected depending on what option you pick in the
dialogue box).
