There just aren't enough hours in a day, are there ;-)
I understand now why you are trying to use the graphics on the side, but
neither I or most people in the US are going to recognize the pictures as
Philppine Currency, so you are not conveying your message "finance is our
business". To my eye it just comes off as abstract artwork, and it draws my
eye away from the words in the middle section that I do understand...that
does convey your message "finance is our business". I am not an expert
designer, and my feedback to you in this case is just as a visitor to your
site. The use of the pictures of the Phillipine Currency just pulls my
attention away from what should be my focus...your words in the middle
section. I am sure you are somewhat invested in using those graphics, but I
am saying that as a visitor to your site, all they do is distract me from
your message and actually confuse me. I spend more time trying to figure
them out and why they are there then reading your words. Plus they increase
the time it takes for the page to load, and thus the time I have to wait to
read the words I went to your site for. Given that is the effect they will
most likely have on most of your visitors, I would suggest using just a
color fill or something else in the background that doesn't pull my
attention away from your message. And as I said, I wouldn't make the page
wider than 984 pixels wide. Once again just telling you what happens when I
look at your site...
One of my goals when I build a page is to add no design element that does
not contribute positively to the visitors experience and to use only those
design elements that help communicate the message I want to convey. My first
pages had way too many bells and whistles, special effects and images. They
took too long to load, were way too busy and unfocused and I had created a
"you can't see the forest for the trees" effect. My message got lost. It was
hard for me to let go of some of my favorite graphics and special effects,
but as time passed I realized that they only distracted visitors to my site
from the primary message I was trying to convey. That is why now I try to
remember that "content is king" and should always be the focus...the
graphics and page structure and design should just be there to support my
message, not distract from it, and thus my second goal "KISS" or keep it
simple stupid. I try to remind myself that just because I can do something,
doesn't mean I should. Now this doesn't mean my way is the best way, or an
expert's way, or it should be your way, but perhaps sharing this will at
least help you understand where I am coming from.
Good luck.