possible suggestion for Outlook (Tools \ Account Settings \ E-mail)


Dave Horne

It would be great if there were an additional 'window' in the Internet
e-mail setting (under Tools \ Accounts).

In this additional window one could write a suggestion for the password for
the account in question.

Just now I went to check on an e-mail account that gets very little traffic
and needed that password to log into another area of that specific provider.
The only additional information I could discern was the number of characters
in that specific password. It would have been great if there were an
additional space where I could have entered a clue. Keeping a separate
document where I enter that information leads on occasion to that password
list being not to date.

I also realize that Outlook is pretty bloated at this point and I don't mean
that as a criticism. Just about everything I can think of is already
included in Outlook.

Just passing this on. DH

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Just now I went to check on an e-mail account that gets very little
traffic and needed that password to log into another area of that specific
provider. The only additional information I could discern was the number
of characters in that specific password. It would have been great if
there were an additional space where I could have entered a clue. Keeping
a separate document where I enter that information leads on occasion to
that password list being not to date.

There are so many protected password filing programs (programs into which
you can enter passwords for safe-keeping and easy recall) and password
showing programs (that display what's under those asterisks) available free
for downloading that it would be pointless to include it in Outlook.

Dave Horne

Brian Tillman said:
There are so many protected password filing programs (programs into which
you can enter passwords for safe-keeping and easy recall) and password
showing programs (that display what's under those asterisks) available
free for downloading that it would be pointless to include it in Outlook.

Brian, thanks for the link!

Actually what I would have liked to have seen in Outlook is a simple
additional text area where I could enter a simple clue for the password, ...
but I do see your point. Thanks, DH

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

My outlook has a place I can write passwords or password hints... its called
"Notes". I have one notes folder specifically for this type of information.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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