Possible to Call a Stored Procedure or use MS Query?




Does anyone know if I can call a Stored Procedure from Visio 2007?

I'm connecting to SQL 2000 and can't get what I need from a table or view.


Al Edlund

Stored procedure calls infer some programming expertise as well as a
knowledge of some form of data access (oledb, odbc, ado, etc.). Visio does
not support these natively so the code would have to be written.

If you're at v2007 Professional the product supports datarecordsets. This
gives you the ability to link to data from several sources. It allows the
programmer to manipulate the connection strings, and sql commands that they
want to send (the assumption here is you are doing some form of select

For vba programmers a good source of example scenarios is on
technet.microsoft.com in the scriptcenter (since vbscript is very close to
vba) if you don't want to use the built in data connectivity.


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