Possible to copy another database?



Trying to copy Access program from my boss's laptop in which our employees
can input all our estimates etc. etc. while out in the field and then give me
the ability to synchronize them with the office computer. I have a copy of
the old program that was used for the last company the owner worked for. We
want one exactly like it, just with a different company name etc. Can someone
please tell me how to do this or if it can even be done???? Please!!!!!!!!!


If it is an mde file, you can't do it. If it is an mdb file, you can
provided you have a copy of Microsoft Access Installed.

As to the specifics, no body can tell you exactly where to look. You will
have to go through all the forms, reports, and tables and find where the
things you want to change are.

If this is not a familiar thing for you to do, you might be better off
hiring a competent Access developer to make the changes for you.

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