possible to equisize charts (6) in chart sheet?



My chart sheet has six charts on it; arranged in two
columns of three charts each.

The "snap to grid" feature is nice yet I am having
difficulty getting all six of the charts to be the same
size/dimension. Is there a shortcut for doing this or is
it necessary to simply "eyeball" the heights and widths of
the charts? I am hoping there is a way to
automatically "tile" the charts.

Thank you.

Jon Peltier

Andrew -

I usually use a regular worksheet for this, a blank one without all
those numbers cluttering it up. When you drag and stretch charts on a
worksheet, holding the Alt button snaps the edges of the charts to the
worksheet cell boundaries.

You could revert to a VBA procedure:

Sub TileSix()
Dim ChtOb As ChartObject
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each ChtOb In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
With ChtOb
.Height = Int(ActiveSheet.ChartArea.Height / 2)
.Width = Int(ActiveSheet.ChartArea.Width / 3)
If i > 2 Then
.Top = 0
.Top = Int(ActiveSheet.ChartArea.Height / 2)
End If
.Left = Int(ActiveSheet.ChartArea.Width / 3) _
* (i Mod 3)
End With
i = i + 1
End Sub

- Jon

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