Possible to have each procedure called listed?



I have certain buttons that trigger code. The code may, in turn trigger
events (ie when a subform's recordsource is changed via code, it will trigger
onopen, onload, etc), as well as other procedures.

What I'd like to do is, click the button, and as it's running (or maybe
afterwards), see a list of all events triggered and/or all the procdures that
ran, in the order that the were triggered/ran.

Anyone know how this might be accomplished?

Michel Walsh

The closest thing which immediately comes to mind is to make a stop point
into your code, run the code, and when it reaches the stop point, in the
VBE, open the Call_Stack (Ctrl + L) to see which procedures where called
(waiting code to return from the call from which they are suspended)

It does not give the history of subroutines having already completed their
execution, though, just the actual 'calling sequence'.

Sure, you can always get the history, if you insert a:

Debug.Print "subroutineName here -- start "

at the start of each of your subroutine where their start is to be tracked.
You can add a similar statement before each exit point if you want track
their ending point.

Vanderghast, Access MVP


Sure, you can always get the history, if you insert a:
Debug.Print "subroutineName here -- start "

at the start of each of your subroutine where their start is to be tracked.

So simple... for some reason, I was fixated on some sort of built-in

That would work nicely. Thanks!

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