Possible to link Excel cells to text box in Word using Word's text formatting?



Hi everyone. Here is one of those "is this possible" type situations,
which if possible, would make my Augusts less stressful each year.

Each August I'm in charge of putting together our annual statistics
and producing maps of the state to show activity in each county.
Initially my maps were Word documents with individual text boxes for
each #. I still have that version saved, but recently I've converted
it to a pdf document to make changing the numbers a lot easier
(although not being able to add lines of text is a hindrance

What I'd love to be able to do is to link that Word document map to my
excel spreadsheets that contain the data (and are included as charts
in the annual report book) so that I don't need to manually update the
maps. I tried it once, but what I got was a tiny box that was
formatted as an Excel cell and I couldnt' change the font face or size
within word.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

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